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M. A. Marinin
M. A. Marinin
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Comprehensive study of filtration properties of pelletized sandy clay ores and filtration modes in the heap leaching stack

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There are the results of a study of the factors determining the formation and changes in the filtration properties of a heap leaching stack formed from pelletized poor sandy-clay ores. An analysis of methods of investigation of filtration properties of ore material for different stages of heap leaching plots functioning is carried out. Influence of segregation process during stack dumping on formation of zones with very different permeability parameters of ore has been established by experimental and filtration works. The construction and application of a numerical model of filtration processes in pelletized ores based on laboratory experiments is shown. By means of solution percolation simulation at different irrigation intensities the justification of optimal stack parameters is provided in terms of the geomechanical stability and prevention of solution level rise above the drainage layer.

How to cite: Marinin M.A., Karasev M.A., Pospehov G.B., Pomortseva A.A., Kondakova V.N., Sushkova V.I. Comprehensive study of filtration properties of pelletized sandy clay ores and filtration modes in the heap leaching stack // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 259. p. 30-40. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2023.7
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Modeling of the welding process of flat sheet parts by an explosion

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The list of materials subject to explosive welding is very extensive and amounts to several hundred combinations of various alloys and metals, and the variety of explosive welding schemes has more than a thousand options. In almost all technical solutions, the process involves the sequential creation of physical contact of the materials to be welded and their connection due to plastic deformation of the contacting surfaces. The strength of such a connection depends on the mode of the welding process. With the correct selection of the parameters of the mode, it is possible to obtain a high-quality connection of the required strength. However, the experimental selection of such options is a very laborious and costly process. Computer simulation and application of mathematical models for solving dynamic problems of explosion mechanics simplifies the search for optimal parameters and allows to predict the expected result in the shortest possible time. The article discusses the issues of modeling of explosive welding of metals, calculations related to the parameters of the process of formation of the weld using the Ansys Autodyn software package. A model is presented for analyzing the deformation process of explosion welding of a plate and its connection with a matrix. The main parameters of explosion welding (velocity, pressure, time) are determined. The adequacy of the obtained values was evaluated in the systems aluminum – copper and copper – steel. It also provides a comparative analysis of simulation results and field experiments. Based on numerical calculations, a conclusion was substantiated on the suitability of the model obtained for a preliminary analysis of the main welding parameters at the preparatory stage.

How to cite: Marinin M.A., Khokhlov S.V., Isheyskiy V.A. Modeling of the welding process of flat sheet parts by an explosion // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 275-280. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.275
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Quality improvement of mining specialists tarining on the basis of cooperation between Saint-Petersburg mining university and Orica company

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The analysis of practical solutions for a joint cooperation between the Mining University and the Australian company Orica resulted in the decision of creation a Competence center in the field of mining. The role of mining engineering and vocational education as necessary components of sustainable development of the territories was highlighted. The best Russian and international experience of collaboration between technical universities and main companies-players in the mining area is analyzed; an important role belongs to the involvement of regional executive authorities in a collaboration in the field of industrial safety. The prospects for the creation of a joint integration platform for a university and a company is considered on the example of creation of scientific educational laboratory of blasting technologies and modeling; the laboratory was opened under the agreement between Saint-Petersburg mining university and Orica company with the purpose of improvement of mining engineers training in the field of blasting operations, the development of scientific and research investigation activities, the organization of professional retraining and upgrade qualifications of specialists of mining area. A set of target indicators of the effectiveness of the scientific educational laboratory performance are given, as well as a general evaluation of the cooperation project efficiency.

How to cite: Overchenko M.N., Marinin M.A., Mozer S.P. Quality improvement of mining specialists tarining on the basis of cooperation between Saint-Petersburg mining university and Orica company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 681. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.681
Rational subsurface use: theory, methodology, practice
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Economic evaluation of reclamation an example Olimpiada GOK

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Methodical features of calculation of cost-effectiveness evaluation of remediation, the accounting of capital and operating costs at various stages of recovery process of topsoil are considered. The example of calculation the cost of reclamation of Olympiada GOK is given.

How to cite: Marinina O.A., Marinin M.A. Economic evaluation of reclamation an example Olimpiada GOK // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 32.
Geotechnology for development of solid mining fields
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Mining units quantity determination to achieve the established open cast output and averaging ore requirements

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The balancing stripping ratio and ore production methods include simulation in order to reduce the prestripping waste and maintain a suitable space between each bench.  The reliability analysis method of mining technological system in mine design is discussed in this paper. The probabilistic approach used here takes into consideration the uncertainty associated with estimation of most economic, mining and geological variables. This paper concerns the rational distribution of reserves which can be mined and waste advancing down the open cast site at steep pitch deposit.

How to cite: Fomin S.I., Shevelev V.A., Marinin M.A. Mining units quantity determination to achieve the established open cast output and averaging ore requirements // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 207. p. 70.
Geotechnology for development of solid mining fields
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Open cast geological conditions analysis and the mining units formation in ore losses and dilution determining

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The opencast geological conditions analysis and the mining units formation in ore losses and dilution determining is given in dynamic type.  The optimum height of immixed rocks triangle on minimum economic damage from losses and dilution criterion is determined. Minimum damage of an enterprise from losses and dilution of one ton of ore that provides minimum producing cost of ore mining is accepted as a criterion of optimum correlation of technological standards of rate of contact areas and standards of losses and dilution of ore.

How to cite: Fomin S.I., Kava P.B., Marinin M.A. Open cast geological conditions analysis and the mining units formation in ore losses and dilution determining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 207. p. 74.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Choice and substantiation of dragline’s entry way at untransport working of overbaden bench in the Afanasevsky deposit

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The research by definition of optimum width dragline’s entry way by criterion of the relation of recasting ratio to volumes of losses of a mineral in block between entry ways described in the article. It is established that the increase of entry way’s width allows to lower recasting ratio.

How to cite: Marinin M.A., Vedrova D.A. Choice and substantiation of dragline’s entry way at untransport working of overbaden bench in the Afanasevsky deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 206. p. 86.