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Vol 1 No 4

Vol 1 No 3
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Hypoparallel aragonite intergrowth from Bilin

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Among the deviations from the laws characteristic of real (ideal), that is, completely crystalline-homogeneous individuals, small deviations are often noticed both in the position of the edges and in general in the intergrowth of subindividuals.

How to cite: Fedorov Y.S. Hypoparallel aragonite intergrowth from Bilin // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 317-318.
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About the influence of the concentration of reacting solutions on the appearance and structure of sediments

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This work, although it represents only one of the most important links in my extensive work on the states of matter, which I publish, for certain reasons, in German, is a completely accomplished independent whole. This work treats the question of the influence of the concentration of reacting solutions on the appearance and structure of sediments - a question that has not yet been completely developed in science, except for a few fragmentary observations.

How to cite: von-Weymarn P.P. About the influence of the concentration of reacting solutions on the appearance and structure of sediments // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 239-262.
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Electrical conductivity of magnesium-lead alloys

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The study of the electrical conductivity of metal alloys makes it possible, along with other physical research methods, to judge about their chemical nature. Matthiessen, who carried out classical research in this area, was the first to try to find the relationship between the composition and electrical conductivity of alloys. But at that time (60s and 70s of the last century) ideas about the nature of alloys and information about their structure were so imperfect that it is not always possible to agree with the author’s conclusions on this issue.

How to cite: Stepanov N.I. Electrical conductivity of magnesium-lead alloys // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 263-274.
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New proof of the fundamental theorem of Algebra

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We will change x along a closed curve in the positive direction. A full description of the proof is in the article.

How to cite: Dolbny I.P. New proof of the fundamental theorem of Algebra // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 275-276.
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On a class of reducible hyperelliptic integrals

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Let us take the integral and find a substitution of the lowest degree, through which we achieve the reduction of this integral to an elliptic one.

How to cite: Dolbny I.P. On a class of reducible hyperelliptic integrals // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 277-278.
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Illustration of crystal structure with vector circles

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In the article “Precise imagery of space points on a plane,” the problem of such an image in three different elements is solved: vectorial and ordinary circles, and in parallel vectors. The practical application of images in parallel vectors of a system of mines is also given there. I will now show an essential application of the theory to the representation by vectorial circles of the spatial lattices of each structurally studied crystal.

How to cite: Fedorov Y.S. Illustration of crystal structure with vector circles // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 279-294.
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Some of the rock samples from graphite deposits belonging to the mineralogical collection of the Mining Museum

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The studied samples are graphite-hosting rocks from various graphite deposits: the Mariinsky mine at the Botogolsky Golets (Aliberovskoye deposit), the Barrowdelsky mine in Cumberland and two Ural deposits - one near the Sysertsky plant; the location of the other deposit is unknown - probably from the Ilmen Mountains.

How to cite: Zavaritsky A.N. Some of the rock samples from graphite deposits belonging to the mineralogical collection of the Mining Museum // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 295-301.
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Construction of a curved surface of the 2nd order (conoseconds) from imaginary pairs of points or an imaginary conic section.

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We know that from two given points e with e' and a conical section K on the plane, we can reproduce a curved surface of the 2nd order, if from these points we take one e as the center of the second of the rays, and the second e' as the center of the second of the planes and bring these two seconds into a correlative relation so that the ray ea (a point on the conic section plane) will be considered correlative to the plane e'A, where A is the polar of the point a with respect to the conic section K. It is known that in such a surface a set of rays and their correlative planes.

How to cite: Fedorov Y.S. Construction of a curved surface of the 2nd order (conoseconds) from imaginary pairs of points or an imaginary conic section. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 302-304.
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Construction of curved surfaces of the second order (conoseconds) and a full hexahedron.

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No matter how elegant the construction of conic sections using Pascal's theorem is, it does not have sufficient generality, since it is applicable only for five real points of a curve, and in practical application it is more difficult than some other methods.

How to cite: Fedorov Y.S. Construction of curved surfaces of the second order (conoseconds) and a full hexahedron. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 305-312.
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On the preparation of salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals in so-called colloidal amorphous formations that are highly crystallizing and highly soluble in water

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In my numerous reports and articles published in Russian and German from 1905 to 1908, I experimentally proved that the type and structure of sediment of any body can be changed at the will of the researcher.

How to cite: von-Weymarn P.P. On the preparation of salts of alkali and alkaline earth metals in so-called colloidal amorphous formations that are highly crystallizing and highly soluble in water // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 313.
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Crystalline-liquid state as a general property of matter

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In my previous studies, published in 1905-1908 in Russian and German, I showed that any body, both simple and complex chemical composition, can be obtained: in good clear crystals; in an “irreversible” colloidal state (in the form of sols and “irreversible” colloidal-amorphous sediments); in a “reversible” colloidal state (by rapid cooling and increasing association of dissolved particles into the solution).

How to cite: von-Weymarn P.P. Crystalline-liquid state as a general property of matter // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 314-315.
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A note about one property of stereographic projection

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I consider it useful to note one property of stereographic projection, which it does not open up new ways for solving problems, still can contribute to greater accuracy in solving some of them.

How to cite: Fedorov Y.S. A note about one property of stereographic projection // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 316.
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On the issue of the formation of telluric iron from bog ores

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n 1891, 20 versts northeast of Vologda, near the Church of St. Nicholas of Vozimsky (near Lake Kubinskoe), a piece of iron was found under a peat mass in the thickness of bog ore, shallow from the surface. It was originally coated with a loose coating of ocher and immersed in bog ore; its weight together with ocher was 1100 grams. In some places it was permeated with rust to a certain depth. Freed from the ocher shell, it had the shape of a spherical sector measuring about 10 centimeters wide and about 5 centimeters thick; it was veined and in places contained fine granular inclusions of ocher magnetic ironstone.

How to cite: Kupffer A.E. On the issue of the formation of telluric iron from bog ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 1908. Vol. № 4 1. p. 318.