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Vol 177

Vol 176
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Modern approach to building automated systems of dispatch and management of mines and mines

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The article dedicates to the problem of inculcation of informative technics in mining factory. We made the main ways of developing of informative systems of mining factory, we made analys of achievement in the area of making and inculcation systems ASDU. We described the system ASDU, which was exploited by CJSC «Promtech».

How to cite: Kotlyarskiy A.I. Modern approach to building automated systems of dispatch and management of mines and mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 5-6.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Automation of management of operation and repair of the equipment of the mining enterprise (on the example of the eastern mine of OJSC Apatit)

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The opportunities of program complex TRIM as tool of automation and maintenance management at the enterprise are considered in the report. The characteristic of the project of TRIM implementation in the JSC Kola Mining & Metallurgical Company is given.

How to cite: Matyushin V.A. Automation of management of operation and repair of the equipment of the mining enterprise (on the example of the eastern mine of OJSC Apatit) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 7-11.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Principles of construction and experience of implementation of modern systems of energy resources accounting and dispatch control of energy objects at the enterprises of mining and ore mining industry

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The article dedicates to the problems of building modern systems of control the energy supply and systems of dispatcher's control on the energy object of mining industry. We look through the main aspect of inculcation and ways of building ASODU and ASKUE. We give souse examples of systems of getting and presenting information from ASKUE different industries.

How to cite: Andreev S.V., Serzhantov S.V. Principles of construction and experience of implementation of modern systems of energy resources accounting and dispatch control of energy objects at the enterprises of mining and ore mining industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 12-16.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Analysis of integration of information systems in mining and processing industry

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The basic ranges-geological used in a world practice of information service, modelling, calculation of stocks of deposits of minerals and mountain works are considered. Domestic development of the software and computer technologies of a mountain-geological structure are considered. Opportunities of the information systems most widespread in the world are resulted. Advantages and lacks of ranges-geological are revealed. Introduction of information systems in the industry is analysed. The basic problems of introduction and use of information systems in conditions of modern economy of Russia are considered.

How to cite: Oreshkin S.A., Kornilov M.F., Kadyrov E.D., Danilova N.V. Analysis of integration of information systems in mining and processing industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 17-22.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Microprocessor control systems of signaling, centralization, blocking of the mining enterprise at OJSC Mikhailovsky MMP

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The article dedicates to the problems of modernization of systems attention, holding and centralization devices on OJSC «Mihailovsky MPP ». We learn about microprocessor system of control, which has been made by specialists LLC «VIST GROUP» and OJSC «Mihailovsky MPP », you can see here results of its introduction.

How to cite: Konyakhin V.N., Khomutov S.V., Aldokhin A.V. Microprocessor control systems of signaling, centralization, blocking of the mining enterprise at OJSC Mikhailovsky MMP // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 23-24.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Methodical maintenance of use of results of the automated monitoring of self-propelled equipment and dump trucks

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The article dedicates to the problems of developing of regulation of getting and explosion information about condition of equipment of the process of exploitation. The main aims are: to determine of structure of information which we get, and full of it; developing ways of getting and giving information; determine of really advices about rise of advantages of explosion of industry.

How to cite: Kuleshov A.A. Methodical maintenance of use of results of the automated monitoring of self-propelled equipment and dump trucks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 25-27.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Intellectualization of information-analytical subsystems of operative management of distributed objects

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The article dedicates to the problem of intellectual information systems of control of objects of control and which can be used white her decidion and intellectual way of formation of expert information, which combinate elements of theory fuzzy set which theory planning experiment. Like a example you can sec system of gas pipeline.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Kadyrov E.D., Ulanova N.Y., Spesivtsev A.V. Intellectualization of information-analytical subsystems of operative management of distributed objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 28-31.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Modern state and prospects of development of mining-transport complex of Olimpiada mining and processing plant

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The article dedicates to the problems of inculcation of system of automation on «Olympiadninsky mining and processing plant » CJSC «Company of getting aurum «Polus». There describes peculiarities of explosion Olympiadninsky place of getting aurum, we have done analysis of condition of mining transport complex, there are the main dims, which can be decided by way of automatization.

How to cite: Sovmen V.K., Cheremisin V.V., Polyakov A.V. Modern state and prospects of development of mining-transport complex of Olimpiada mining and processing plant // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 32-35.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Automated control system of conveyors and conveyor lines ASUK-DEP

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In this article we can see the main characteristics and another properties of automatic system of control of conveyors ASUK-DEP. We examined structure of system ASUK-DEP, described the way of its work.

How to cite: Uvarov A.V. Automated control system of conveyors and conveyor lines ASUK-DEP // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 36-39.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Software complex of generalized index of physical state of objects with distributed parameters

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The article dedicates to the problems of operative control of systems with a lot of formation variable. The program complex has been exploited, which is based on modul princip. Many levels hierarchical building of difficult programs let us to limit and localisate on every level components for it. We look throught groups of program, we described the main etaps of work with program complex of informative and analytic system of support of passing operative decisions. And we can see the variety of explosion interface.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Ulanova N.Y., Spesivtsev A.V. Software complex of generalized index of physical state of objects with distributed parameters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 40-43.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Automation of maintenance and repair management processes on the basis of software package TRIM

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You can see in this article the main characteristics of exploition NPP «Spectec» – program complex TRIM-ASU-technical service and reconstruction. Solution «TRIM-technical management» lets us to realize next metods of control the main fonds: preventive Maintenance; inventory and Procurement; work Order Systems; technical and Interpersonal Training; operational Involvement; predictive maintenance; Realiability-Centered Maintenance; statistical Financial Optimization; continuous Improvement.

How to cite: Matyushin V.A. Automation of maintenance and repair management processes on the basis of software package TRIM // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 44-49.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Automated control system of mining-transport complex

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In this article we described soft hardware of automatisation of control of work of technical transport and factory processes, which are offered by CJSC «Soyuztechnokom». There are examples of explosive interface.

How to cite: Polyakov A.G. Automated control system of mining-transport complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 50-55.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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System of dispatching of the Karier mining-transport equipment. Integration and automatic optimization

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In this article the author views the main two tasks concerned with dispatch control system «Karjer» application and operation: facilities for integration with other systems used by mining enterprises, and automatic optimization and dispatching in «Karjer» system.

How to cite: Odintsev N.V. System of dispatching of the Karier mining-transport equipment. Integration and automatic optimization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 56-58.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Dispatching of the automated system of underground diamond mine (on the example of the Internatsionalny mine)

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In given report is considered automatic system operative supervisor management (ASODU) of the underground mine on extraction of diamond ore «Internacionalinyy». They are brought main functions, which execution is entrusted to this system, technical decisions prescribed in base of the work ASODU.

How to cite: Pavlov R.D. Dispatching of the automated system of underground diamond mine (on the example of the Internatsionalny mine) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 59-61.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Wattmetrography method in systems of monitoring and estimation of residual life of electrical equipment

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The method of monitoring and estimation of a residual resource of the electric equipment, based on the analysis of spectrograms of consumed electric capacity is offered. The function chart of the information-diagnostic complex realizing the given method is submitted.

How to cite: Kozyaruk A.E., Korzhev A.A., Krivenko A.V. Wattmetrography method in systems of monitoring and estimation of residual life of electrical equipment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 62-64.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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System of automatic control of the Ore treatment section of diamond mining factory

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The article is devoted to system «Ore pretreatment» of automation of process of enrichment of factory on extraction of diamonds. Work of a site рудоподготовки and its equipment, the basic purposes and problems of introduction ASUTP «Ore pretreatment» is briefly described, the basic contours by means of which introduction, stabilization and optimization of corresponding technological parameters is reached are resulted.

How to cite: Pavlov R.D., Sharikov Y.V. System of automatic control of the Ore treatment section of diamond mining factory // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 65-67.
Automation of technological processes
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Structure and algorithms of control and automation when using powerful electromechanical complexes with semiconductor converters

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The structure and algorithms of control by technological complexes with use of electromechanical systems with semi-conductor converters is resulted. Algorithms of a direct control by the moment in electric drives of an alternating current and maintenance of electromagnetic compatibility are considered at use of active rectifiers.

How to cite: Kozyaruk A.E., Cheremushkina M.S. Structure and algorithms of control and automation when using powerful electromechanical complexes with semiconductor converters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 69-74.
Automation of technological processes
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Training-system of hardware-software synthesis of automated control systems on the example of continuous operation unit

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The article describes applying of multifunctional laboratory training stations, devoted to studying modern automation control systems, which has been applied at Laboratory of modern technologies of automation of Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute. The first part outlines modern requirement for specialists in the field of automation and describes the laboratory from the point of view of integrated organization of educational process. The second part describes training-system «Microprocessor devices based automation control system of a continuous time unit», which comprises a physical installation to let one learn coupling with a real technological object during all stage – from initial mounting up to executive dispatcher control.

How to cite: Kadyrov E.D., Alsufiev E.A. Training-system of hardware-software synthesis of automated control systems on the example of continuous operation unit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 75-78.
Automation of technological processes
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Modern instrumentation of gas analysis

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In this article we gave review of production, which is made by OJSC «SPA Pribor». You can see the main characteristics of this apparatures. We detaility described gas analyzers for control of structure of different gases mixes.

How to cite: Kamaldinov I.A., Beloglazov I.N., Kireev D.S. Modern instrumentation of gas analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 79-81.
Automation of technological processes
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Foreign experience of automation in mining industry

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The article describes examples of automation system applying at foreign mineral resource industry plants, based on «Schneider Electric» microprocessor devices. Integrated use of technical devices when developing such systems is described.

How to cite: Popov S.I., Kadyrov E.D. Foreign experience of automation in mining industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 82-84.
Automation of technological processes
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System of automatic control of damage of slurry lines

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In the degree we can see the system of automatic control of breaking of trunk pipeline of mineral resources, which based on explosion effects of acoustic emission and developing on based of mathematic model get around impulse of pressure in trunk pipeline system. You can see the main advantages this method. It’s important thuf explosion of this method can help us to spend less time on making of diagnostic works and economize money, spending of this industry.

How to cite: Malarev V.I., Knyshov N.V., Simakov A.S. System of automatic control of damage of slurry lines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 85-87.
Automation of technological processes
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Advantages of using weighing devices for wheel loaders

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The article dedicates to exploitation of Finland company Tamtron. We described the arrangements of weight for wheel loader, we can see here all variety of arrangements, we described the main functions of this machinery.

How to cite: Hiltunen E. Advantages of using weighing devices for wheel loaders // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 88-89.
Automation of technological processes
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Compensation of disturbance effect on technological process

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Clause is devoted to a frequency method of synthesis of technological processes on an example autogenous swimming trunks of sulphidic materials in furnace Vanjukova. The basic parameters of quality of management are resulted, revolting influences are described, transformation of a multivariate control system by complex processes to qvasisystem (to one-dimensional control systems) with the purpose of indemnification of indignations is made. The frequency method described in clause can be used for synthesis of control systems by other processes.

How to cite: Kadyrov E.D. Compensation of disturbance effect on technological process // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 90-96.
Automation of technological processes
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Method of determination of mass absorption coefficient in photometry of true solutions and dispersed media

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The article dedicates to the problem of control of structure of technological solution of productions cycle in the mining factory, we described different photometrical methods of determination its structure. For rise and stability of equation of connection we can suggest to realize logometrical principle with fast difference of optical base in factory of photometrical analysators and the opportunity to change long of waves of emanation. You can see the scheme of work this factory and results of dimension.

How to cite: El-Salim S.Z., Beloglazov I.N., Kireev D.S. Method of determination of mass absorption coefficient in photometry of true solutions and dispersed media // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 97-99.
Automation of technological processes
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About optimum control of mine drainage systems operation

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The offered managerial system state of working mining installation for rollout of water providing minimum expenseses to electric powers. It is shown way of the shaping the algorithm of optimum control is. Given its mathematical description.

How to cite: Kabanov O.V. About optimum control of mine drainage systems operation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 100-103.
Automation of technological processes
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Onboard control system of excavator

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This article describes On-board Excavator Control System, which was worked out by «VIST Group» together with «OMZ Mining Equipment and Engineering» specialists and Saint-Petersburg State mining institute scientists: system structure, solvable tasks, the main lines of further system development.

How to cite: Popov G.A. Onboard control system of excavator // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 104-106.
Automation of technological processes
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Automated control system of ore preparation process at the enrichment plant

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In the article the author describes operation of the control system for ore preparation area in one of diamond extracting facilities. The basic functions, levels of the control system and communication links within the system are explained. There are some words about historical logging and operator access rights. A standard human-machine interface is developed and presented in the article. The described process control and automation solutions for ore preparation area can be used as typical for cloning for similar applications.

How to cite: Zyryanova N.V. Automated control system of ore preparation process at the enrichment plant // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 107-109.
Automation of technological processes
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Modernization of automatic control system of speck dust leaching shop of Boksitogorsk clay-earth plant

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In the article the author describes operation of the control system for extraction of dust on Boksitogorsk an aluminous factory is resulted. The basic functions of system, levels of automation of given system. The technology, the equipment, the general structure of automation, SCADA system are described.

How to cite: Galkin S.A. Modernization of automatic control system of speck dust leaching shop of Boksitogorsk clay-earth plant // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 110-112.
Automation of technological processes
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Calculation of thermal regime of rotary kiln

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Methods of numerical calculation of work of a rotating furnace are considered. Features of modelling of a thermal operating mode of a rotating furnace in view of change of temperature of a material and lining on length of the furnace, a dust content of a gas stream are described.

How to cite: Golubev V.O., Ivanov P.V. Calculation of thermal regime of rotary kiln // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 113-117.
Automation of technological processes
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Products of Gemcom Software International Inc. - GEMS, Whittle, Surpac

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This article describes «Gemcom Software International Inc.» products, which are presented in CIS (Gems, Whittle, Surpac): software functionality, structure and principle of operation, as well as specificity and opportunities of its application at domestic mining enterprises.

How to cite: Stagurova O.V. Products of Gemcom Software International Inc. - GEMS, Whittle, Surpac // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 118-120.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Modeling of Vanyukov Process by full factorial experiment

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The approach to studying metallurgical processes by means of a method of planning of experiment is considered. With use 2 4 -factorial plans are investigated influence of parameters of loading of furnace Vanjukov on concentration of copper in stein. As varied variables the stream of sulphidic materials, stream of fluxes and stream of technical oxygen were considered. As a result of processing skilled data the equation of regress is received. Influence of separate factors, and also their joint influence is analysed.

How to cite: Danilova N.V., Kadyrov E.D. Modeling of Vanyukov Process by full factorial experiment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 121-123.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Mathematical modeling of the process of ultra-deep desiliconization of aluminate solutions with preliminary introduction of hydrogranate sludge

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In this article we describe mathematic model of the process of deep of decomposion of alumina solutions with entered of turning hydrogranatic cake before it. The model, we have offered, you can use for creation asutp process in technologic scheme of complex remake of nepheline concentrate in alumina and other products.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M., Sizyakova E.V. Mathematical modeling of the process of ultra-deep desiliconization of aluminate solutions with preliminary introduction of hydrogranate sludge // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 124-126.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Mathematical description of kinetics of roasting process of nickel sulfide-nickel concentrate

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The kinetic equation describing regularities of kinetics of the process of sweet roasting of the sulphide nickeliferous concentrate is offered. The considered method allows objective calculation of the time-limit of completion of investigated process. The equation can be used for the specification statement of regularities of different heterogeneous processes.

How to cite: Beloglazov I.I., Sharikov Y.V. Mathematical description of kinetics of roasting process of nickel sulfide-nickel concentrate // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 127-128.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Equation of flotation process kinetics

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The equation describing regularities of kinetics of the flotation process is offered. The improved equation of kinetics of flotation enables objective determination of the time-limit of completion of the process.

How to cite: Beloglazov I.N. Equation of flotation process kinetics // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 129-132.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Mathematical description of the process of absorption of heat flow of radiation moving in a real medium

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The updated equation under certain conditions that is offered hereinafter can coincide with the known equation of Bugera-Baire, but it also represents peculiarities of actual systems more precisely. The equation can be applied for determination of values of the generalized optico-geometrical parameter of a radiation flux and simulation of heat flows of technological processes.

How to cite: Beloglazov I.N., Ivanov V.A., Beloglazov I.I. Mathematical description of the process of absorption of heat flow of radiation moving in a real medium // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 133-136.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Modeling of subsystems of alumina concentration control in aluminum electrolyzer

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The modelling of control segment of concentration aluminum oxidee in aluminium electrolysis cells with baked anodes are described in this article. The base of research is the model development of the installation. The modelling is executed in software package MatLab ® 6.5 with using visual design program Simulink and structural diagrams of conditions and transitions StateFlow. Figures of aluminum oxide concentration, fluoride salts concentration, temrerature of process, expect voltage are results of this work.

How to cite: Glushchenko M.A. Modeling of subsystems of alumina concentration control in aluminum electrolyzer // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 137-139.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Mathematical modeling of the process of decomposition of alumina solutions in a cascade of ideal mixing apparatuses

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On the basis of earlier received of process of decomposition in thedevice of periodic action the mathematical model of process of decomposition in a flow reactor of full hashing in view of input of a priming in a feed is made. On the basis of the received model in a flow reactor the mathematical model of process of decomposition in the cascade of 14 rectors flow type has been developed. Models are made in the inveroment of program complex ReactOp. The solution of the equation of model has been carried out by a stabilization method.

How to cite: Kremcheeva D.A., Sharikov Y.V. Mathematical modeling of the process of decomposition of alumina solutions in a cascade of ideal mixing apparatuses // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 140-143.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Mathematical modeling of melting process in liquid bath and creation of regulation system model

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Mathematical description of the furnace in the complex modeling software in ReactOp reactors is done. Control model on the basis of which model the melting liquid bath and device management package Matlab using visual modeling tool Simulink is presented. Simulation results provide for the parameters of the process, change the variables of furnace about changing the nominal values of oxygen, and as a consequence changes in temperature are analysed. Data on the effects of temperature on the amount of slag, stain and gas are presented. Control system based on the work done to create a system that would ensure a more stable and efficient flow processes in a furnace and improve the quality of the product.

How to cite: Galkin S.A., Sharikov Y.V. Mathematical modeling of melting process in liquid bath and creation of regulation system model // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 144-147.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Methods and approaches to electrolyzer control depending on working conditions and design

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Management of technological process of smelting of aluminium is one of the most complex technical problems at whom in a mode of real time on two parameters it is necessary to trace, process, analyse in time the information and to undertake necessary actions. Management of technological process should be reliable and predicted, with the minimal operational expenses at maximal use of accessible resources.

How to cite: Glushchenko M.A. Methods and approaches to electrolyzer control depending on working conditions and design // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 148-150.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Mathematical modeling of gaseous fuel combustion process

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Methods of calculation of burning of gas in a turbulent stream are considered. The basic equations describing process of burning, for definition of length of a torch and distribution of temperature in a torch are described. Software products for calculation and modelling of burning of gas are shown.

How to cite: Golubev V.O., Ivanov P.V. Mathematical modeling of gaseous fuel combustion process // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 151-155.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Character of constant component of phase voltage of ore-heat furnaces for phosphorus and calcium carbide production

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On example of phosphoric and carbide furnaces is considered character of change and the nature of existence a constant component (Ucc) in a phase voltage of ore-smelting furnaces with closed furnace throat. The size and direction Ucc depends on a ratio of electrode processes chemical interaction with reactionary zone components and a degree of development and a condition of burning electric arch.

How to cite: Pedro A.A., Vasiliev V.V. Character of constant component of phase voltage of ore-heat furnaces for phosphorus and calcium carbide production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 156-160.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Model of calculation of material balance of firing process on clinker for Portland cement production in rotary kiln

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The essence of process of roasting charge on clinker was considered. The model of a rotating furnace was constructed in software package ReactOp. Dependences of the basic components processed charge on length of the furnace of sintering and the general change of the basic mass streams were found.

How to cite: Sharikov Y.V., Ivanov P.V. Model of calculation of material balance of firing process on clinker for Portland cement production in rotary kiln // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 161-163.