In the article the author describes operation of the control system for extraction of dust on Boksitogorsk an aluminous factory is resulted. The basic functions of system, levels of automation of given system. The technology, the equipment, the general structure of automation, SCADA system are described.
Mathematical description of the furnace in the complex modeling software in ReactOp reactors is done. Control model on the basis of which model the melting liquid bath and device management package Matlab using visual modeling tool Simulink is presented. Simulation results provide for the parameters of the process, change the variables of furnace about changing the nominal values of oxygen, and as a consequence changes in temperature are analysed. Data on the effects of temperature on the amount of slag, stain and gas are presented. Control system based on the work done to create a system that would ensure a more stable and efficient flow processes in a furnace and improve the quality of the product.