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Improvement of the system state control of natural resources in Russia taking into account the intensification of ...
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Problems of efficiency of nature at the present stage

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In today's rapidly changing world the formation of an effective system of executive authorities in the field of natural resources and environmental protection is permanent. Load level on the nature of the constantly growing. Under these conditions the effective work of state authorities, responsible for environmental management and security, is becoming an important aspect of solving the problem of increasing the quality of life.

How to cite: Baluev R.V. Problems of efficiency of nature at the present stage // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 9.
Improvement of the system state control of natural resources in Russia taking into account the intensification of ...
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About methodical principles of an estimation of economic damage from pollution of an environment

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The methodical principles of an estimation of economic damage are based on two approaches to an estimation(rate) of damage from pollution of an environment:  indirect  (integrated) and by objects. The methods of definition (determination) of damage decide different problems and are various on the functionality. There is an objective problem of mining of new methodical principles of an estimation(rate) of economic damage in market conditions.

How to cite: Berezovskii P.V. About methodical principles of an estimation of economic damage from pollution of an environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 14.
Improvement of the system state control of natural resources in Russia taking into account the intensification of ...
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Assessment hydropower facilities on the environment

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Ecological justification of design decisions related to the use of water resources for hydropower deployment of recently acquired particular urgency in connection with the failure of development section of the draft Impact Assessment (EIA). Under the existing regulatory and legal acts of the EIA documents to substantiate investment is sufficiently extensive material that is not fully respected and worked out. The article presents the shortcomings in assessing the impact of the proposed activity on the environment, identified on the basis of analysis of the project materials to deploy hydropower facilities on the mountain rivers.

How to cite: Dzhandubaeva F.M. Assessment hydropower facilities on the environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 18.
Improvement of the system state control of natural resources in Russia taking into account the intensification of ...
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System environmental assessment and environment impact analysis in solving problems of natural resources and environmental protection

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Russian environmental legislation, despite the abundance of regulations, not regulated mechanism for the implementation of environmental activities in a market economy. In such circumstances, is particularly urgent task of addressing the problems associated with the possibility and permissibility of the use of natural resources and prevent the threat of environmental risk in major projects. The concept of the impact assessment (EIA) procedure and evaluation of environmental impacts at different stages of implementation intentions are vague and undefined, and not clearly tied to the stages of design.

How to cite: Dzhandubaeva F.M. System environmental assessment and environment impact analysis in solving problems of natural resources and environmental protection // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 22.
Improvement of the system state control of natural resources in Russia taking into account the intensification of ...
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Environmental impact assessment of water engineering on water bodies when you position the hydro-electric power stations on mountain rivers

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An integral part of environmental studies at placing hydropower is environmental impact assessment of hydraulic engineering on all bodies of water zone of influence of HPS. This fact is especially relevant for the conditions of interbasin redistribution runoff. To achieve this, research carried out, the main tasks are: assessment of owls belt status of water quality of rivers in the region, forecast technological changes in the quality of natural water due to the promising development of the region and the commissioning of hydroelectric complex, the development of recommendations for water conservation measures, including including a rationale for sanitary and environmental flows.

How to cite: Dzhandubaeva F.M. Environmental impact assessment of water engineering on water bodies when you position the hydro-electric power stations on mountain rivers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 25.
Improvement of the system state control of natural resources in Russia taking into account the intensification of ...
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The main causes of coal losses in the bowels and methods of their management

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The article deals with the origin and structure of coal losses in the bowels during the design and construction of the mine. The basic causes of the origin losses identified wich are represent a large proportion in the structure of total losses. A proposal for management of losses at the stage  of feasibility study of conditions and enterprise design formulated.

How to cite: Petrova T.V., Kazantseva G.G., Khodich O.A. The main causes of coal losses in the bowels and methods of their management // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 30.

Geochemistry of technogenesis in areas of working out of mineral deposits

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Geochemical processes (transfer and concentration of chemical elements), connected with sources of anthropogenic pollution, first of all with operation of mineral deposits are considered.  At mining operations extensive atmospherical, lithological and hydrochemical pollution circles formed.

How to cite: Androsova N.K. Geochemistry of technogenesis in areas of working out of mineral deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 35.

Comparative analysis of domestic and foreign practice of solid municipal waste

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The increase in household waste in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region inevitably leads to environmental degradation, but, unfortunately, the political priorities in the field of waste management are far from perfect and the prevailing non-interference policy leads to economic inefficiency of waste management.

How to cite: Barkan M.S., Malyshkin M.M. Comparative analysis of domestic and foreign practice of solid municipal waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 39.

The life cycle of products and goods from the operation to return to nature

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The method is based assessment of the life cycle of products and products based on their consumer qualities. Fatigue cycles act as a processing chain return of matter and energy in nature. It is proposed to provide two streams of matter back into the wild: lithogenic and man-made materials. When the flows of consumption and waste streams in the man-made substances in circulation for the year balanced.

How to cite: Karlovich I.A., Karlovich I.E., Karlovich A.I. The life cycle of products and goods from the operation to return to nature // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 42.

Role of natural disasters in the lithogenic return and technogenic material innature

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The paper proposes a method assessing the role of natural disasters in the return of lithogenic and anthropogenic material in nature. presents examples of natural disasters in recent years and their consequences.

How to cite: Karlovich I.A., Karlovich I.E., Karlovich A.I. Role of natural disasters in the lithogenic return and technogenic material innature // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 46.

Method for determination of wasted hazard class for salty drill cuttings

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Salty cuttings it is drilling waste salt solutions used for extraction is difficult to extract minerals. Accumulated in sludge pits, they have negative effects on the environment in the areas of energy sector companies. The purpose of this work is to identify the hazard class saltwater drilling mud for the further development of protective measures.

How to cite: Krysa V.V., Malyshkin M.M. Method for determination of wasted hazard class for salty drill cuttings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 50.

Analysis of the vat residue of radioactive waste and the development of matrix mixtures for immobilization of the compound on the basis of mineral binders nanomodified

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In this paper we analyzed the vat residue of liquid radioactive waste and matrix schemes are typical of mixtures of still bottom liquid radioactive waste for effective immobilization. Shows the values that characterize the degree of filling omonolichennyh (cemented) radioactive waste, resulting from the experiments and achievements in the world (desirable).

How to cite: Lebedev V.A., Piskunov V.M. Analysis of the vat residue of radioactive waste and the development of matrix mixtures for immobilization of the compound on the basis of mineral binders nanomodified // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 55.

Improving the efficiency of immobilization of radioactive waste

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On the basis of experimental research developed a method for immobilization of problematic radioactive waste in the compound of magnesium binding to the degree of inclusion of dried radioactive salts, 37 % (based on the technology of cement concrete can not enter more than 7 %  of the salts of the still bottoms), and the quality of the compound corresponds to the specifications and technical documentation  requirements.

How to cite: Lebedev V.A., Piskunov V.M. Improving the efficiency of immobilization of radioactive waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 59.

Well drilling technologies ecologization

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One of the largest environmental problems of the oil industry in Russia is drilling waste contamination, that has negative impact on the living conditions of the people, animals and plants. The problem of disposal of drilling waste is proposed to solve through the introduction of protective functions of the complex engineering activities, including, firstly, the application in the process of drilling mud through water-soluble biodegradable polymers and quadruple systems, cleaning fluid, and secondly, the application design platform with the wells trench in the body of the embankment site for pressed cuttings, which is arranged for a temporary earthen vessel for drilling wastewater.

How to cite: Malyshkin M.M. Well drilling technologies ecologization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 63.

Information system in the management of the collection and transportation of solid waste utility

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At the current rate of urban growth, increasing amounts of municipal waste. The process of collecting and transporting the waste to organize specialized transport companies. In modern conditions it is necessary to modernize the process, which requires the use of advanced information technologies. Creating a management information system capable of increase the efficiency of transport companies, will help solve the problem of municipal waste, and, consequently, to improve sanitary and environmental conditions in cities.

How to cite: Makhovikov A.B., Barkan M.S. Information system in the management of the collection and transportation of solid waste utility // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 67.

On the question of reducing the ferroalloy complex negative impact on the environment as an example of one of the companies

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Environmental degradation is concerned not only with the oversight bodies, but also the general public. Therefore, many businesses, including relating to the ferroalloy complex, paying special attention to the implementation of conservation measures that reduce the impact on the health of people living in close proximity to industrial sites, and the environment.

How to cite: Movchan I.B., Asyanina V.Y. On the question of reducing the ferroalloy complex negative impact on the environment as an example of one of the companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 71.

Development of isolation technology in preparation of the heap leaching fields

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The usage of cyanide solutions in technology heap leaching causes, both direct and indirect effect on the environmental components. Existing methods of heap leaching fields isolation do not provide the necessary degree of decreasing of infiltration processes. One of the main reasons is the usage of sutural technology with using geosynthetics are characterized by a number of  disadvantages.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Akimenko D.O. Development of isolation technology in preparation of the heap leaching fields // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 75.

The improvement of the wastewater treatment system at the apatite-nepheline factory n 2

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Joint Stock Company «Apatit» is the world’s largest producer  of phosphate raw materials  for the production of mineral fertilizers. The processing of ore and obtaining of apatite and nepheline concentrates are carried out at the ore treatment factory   ANOF-2. Nowadays there is an acute problem of additional wastewater treatment in concert with the presence of nitrites, fluorides, phosphates, aluminum and molybdenum in flows the concentrations of which exceed the established  standards. Using the fine cleaning filters, the filter material of which is made of synthetic fibers, the quantity of waste substances dropped into the water can be reduced. The using of such filter system will allow decreasing the damage  to the  environment  and reducing the  enterprise payouts for the discharge of pollutants.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Barkan M.S., Nachevkin F.S. The improvement of the wastewater treatment system at the apatite-nepheline factory n 2 // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 79.

Two-stage cleaning technology water out from oil

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Existing methods of water treatment do not provide the required quality of water injected into formation. Everywhere in the fields is observed gradual effect ions reduce oil output. The reasons can be a lot of both technological and geological. One of the main- is injected is not enough pure water, which causes mudding pores, channels and  cracks.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Golubev I.A. Two-stage cleaning technology water out from oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 83.

Hydraulicking antrophogenic massifs assessment and mitigation of negative effect to the environment

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Nowadays Kemerovo Region is known to be under active mining, which is one of the main sources of negative impact to the environment. In this paper environmental issue caused by coal mining and coal processing which are priority industries in the region are considered. Results of analytical studies of waste obtained from leading Russian coal producer and possible ways  of  their utilization are presented in the paper as  well.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Levchuk I.R. Hydraulicking antrophogenic massifs assessment and mitigation of negative effect to the environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 86.

The problems of utilization of bio-and oil slugge on enterprises fuel and energy complex

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The paper deal with the problem of developing a rational technology of slime and silt recycling for company «Kinef», which nowadays is one of the leading companies in Russia in it area. There-fore the question of soil-waste utilization is one of the major issues to adress for this organisation. During the reaserch samples of soil waste were taken and analyised, which helped to work out a complite technology of recycling. The technology of processing based on methods «wet chemistry» and hydrometallurgical processes. Special attention is paid to the necessity of extraction of the useful components.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Lukina K.A. The problems of utilization of bio-and oil slugge on enterprises fuel and energy complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 90.

Assessment and reduction of negative impact landfills for disposal of industrial and domestic waste environmental

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In the district of Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad region are numerous landfills for the disposal of industrial and domestic waste, some of which is being closed, as the territory for building new landfills, and therefore provides a method of preventing anthropogenic impact  on  the components of the environment in the vicinity new and existing landfills, based on the thermal treatment of polymeric materials.

How to cite: Petrova T.A. Assessment and reduction of negative impact landfills for disposal of industrial and domestic waste environmental // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 94.

The identification optimal parameters of pneumohydraulic sprayer for the most economical and effective dust suppression

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The construction of pneumohydraulic sprayer-snow generator for effective and economical dust suppression was proposed. Developed and made more than ten sprayer  models and  was  made several series of experiment for identification optimal parameters this construction. There was made special dust suppression bunker and was made several series of experiment for identification optimal parameters bunker and efficiency of dust suppression. With this plant there was efficiency of dust suppression 85 %.

How to cite: Smirnov Y.D., Ivanov A.V. The identification optimal parameters of pneumohydraulic sprayer for the most economical and effective dust suppression // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 98.

Processing of organic waste with biogaswormtechnology

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On the basis of world and Russian experience, and also the spent experimental researches high efficiency of processing of a firm and liquid organic waste on a basis biogaswormtechnology is established. On the basis of the Mining University the physical biogaswormtechnology farm model is created. On the basis of this model were studied biogas and worm technology processes of processing of an organic waste. Physical and chemical properties of initial raw materials, and also a received product – a biohumus and biogas are  analysed.

How to cite: Smirnov Y.D., Kovshov S.V., Nikulin A.N. Processing of organic waste with biogaswormtechnology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 104.

Environmental protection technologies for metallurgical industry

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Problems of environmental protection are especially topical for areas of metallurgical industry location. Almost all steps of metal production are attended by powder and gas formation, that are injected with technological and ventilation emission. Minimal negative effects in eco- systems are expected in the case of use technology with the highest level of closed-circuit system, which inject pollution agents to the number that is responded for ecosystem capacity.

How to cite: Smirnyakov V.V. Environmental protection technologies for metallurgical industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 108.

Effect of speed advance strike face to the environmental consequences of mining

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Status of the marginal zone of the reservoir developed largely determines the conditions of interaction of mechanized roof supports of the complex and surrounding rocks, and also defines direct link with deposition of surface and gas evolution in the face cleansing. In this paper we consider the influence of strike face speed subsidence at the surface and condition of the marginal zone of the reservoir.

How to cite: Tolstunov S.A., Montikov A.V. Effect of speed advance strike face to the environmental consequences of mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 112.

Aspect of technology protection of hydrosphere against ions of heavy metals in a zone of influence of objects

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The modern technical and technological condition  of the industrial enterprises  color  and  the ferrous metallurgy, connected with necessity of sewage treatment and their return to the basic manufacture, demands working out of universal technological schemes of sewage treatment.   In article it is presented sorption a way of sewage treatment from various forms of iron and variety of nonferrous metals with use new sorption a material on a basis iron magnesia   concretions.

How to cite: Cheremisina O.V. Aspect of technology protection of hydrosphere against ions of heavy metals in a zone of influence of objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 116.

Methods fine purification of circulating water for industry

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Main features of purification of recycled water of industrial enterprises have been considered. It has been shown that using membrane methods of purification allows to remove of dissolved metals salts from recycled water and to bring their concentration to standardized level. Using this method doesn’t require such large energy consumption as evaporation method. The analyze of membrane purification methods have been fulfilled. Mathematical model of  this process has been developed. The solution algorithm has been developed and some results of simulation of membrane purification have been presented.

How to cite: Sharikov Y.V., Pavlov R.D. Methods fine purification of circulating water for industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 120.
Modern methods and technologies remediation areas
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Soil restoration under oil pollution of different levels

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There are some levels of soil pollution under oil products. The author introduces reclamation things according to this levels. There are main parameters of practical works of territory environmental assessment, soil restoration, utilization of wastes with oil products.

How to cite: Buzmakov S.A. Soil restoration under oil pollution of different levels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 128.
Modern methods and technologies remediation areas
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Water economic recultivation of sandy opencasts in Leningrad region as the complex way of decision of region’s environmental problems

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One of the most perspective recultivation directions of the fulfilled sandy open-cast mines is water economic. Thereof working out of new more simple and economic projects water economic recultivation is required, thus capable in a complex to solve various geoenvironmental problems. The short review of the basic existing recultivation directions the fulfilled sandy open-cast mines is given. The water economic direction in which the special accent becomes on designing of fire reservoirs is in more details  analyzed.

How to cite: Kovshov V.P., Yakubovskii M.M., Kovshov S.V. Water economic recultivation of sandy opencasts in Leningrad region as the complex way of decision of region’s environmental problems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 133.
Modern methods and technologies remediation areas
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Decrease in environmental pollution at work according to regeneration of dumps of dead rock

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The questions of reclamation of debris dumps, which are the source of the negative impact  on the environment, are considered in this article. The expediency of mine technical reclamation stage without drop off operation is analyzed and also foreign and Russian experience of this method practical realization is  reviewed.

How to cite: Kuznetsov V.S., Kolosov O.Y. Decrease in environmental pollution at work according to regeneration of dumps of dead rock // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 137.
Modern methods and technologies remediation areas
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Modern approaches to the landscaping recultivation

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In given article modern technologies and materials, used for completion the tasks of land-scaping recultivation, are considered. Using new technical solutions, it is possible to decrease significantly the expenses on mining operations within the framework of recultivation.

How to cite: Opryshko D.S., Oblitsov A.Y. Modern approaches to the landscaping recultivation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 142.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Laser and optical device for the concentration indetification of the dust powder in the air of the working area

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The article analyzes the process of the creation of the device based on the method of the distant laser probing for the identification of the dust power in the air of the working area at the enterprises of construction industry in the real time operation mode with the option of the automatic regulation of the technical process for the provision of the safe labour conditions. The application of the laser probing is based as a high-precision method for the quality control of the working area air.

How to cite: Batmanov V.P., Barsukov O.K. Laser and optical device for the concentration indetification of the dust powder in the air of the working area // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 146.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Mineral forms of the finding of toxic elements in granitoids

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Having used electron microscopy permits and microanalysis systems for monitoring the general chemical composition of the sample researched forms of occurrence of toxic elements in the granitoids one of regions. As a result, studies have established stable and unstable forms of occurrence of toxic elements. Concluded that secondary hydrothermal forms of concentration of toxic elements may constitute an environmental hazard. Two cycle scheme proposed geoecological monitoring, providing samples of sediment and flowing waters of the river  basins.

How to cite: Gembitskaya I.M., Alekseev V.I., Gembitskii V.V., Gvozdetskaya M.V. Mineral forms of the finding of toxic elements in granitoids // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 150.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Biogeochemical indicators of the technogenic pollution ecosystems by mining enterprises of Rudny and Mountain Altai

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Technogenic pollution of ecosystems causing by activity mining enterprises of Rudny and Mountain Altay revealed on basis biogeochemical indicators. Content of hard metals analyzed in different plants in mining enterprises that it absorb selectively from soil and air environment. Composition of hard metals in plants determine by composition of ores on the deposits. Anomalous content of Hg in the plant of Sinukhinskoe ore district link with process of cyanidation for selection of gold on the gold-extraction  factory.

How to cite: Gusev A.I. Biogeochemical indicators of the technogenic pollution ecosystems by mining enterprises of Rudny and Mountain Altai // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 155.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Influence of some geoecological factors on destruction of concrete constructions of Cheboksary hydroelectric power plant

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The short characteristic of engineering-geological and hydrological conditions of the  grounds of concrete constructions is given. Factors of formation of ecological conditions in a benthonic zone of a water basin of Cheboksary hydroelectric power plant are analyzed. Dynamics of change of activity and number of microorganisms in water and bed deposits of a water basin is considered. Results of specialized shooting in dry footway about a condition of concrete of a hydroelectric power plant building of and an overflow dam in 2010-2011 are stated, the comparative estimation of microbiological activity which promotes development of the vigorous activity of biocorrosion of concrete and metals is  spent.  It is shown  high  microbes prevalence  the materials applied to repair work (seals of various defects in concrete designs).

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Perevoshchikova N.A., Vlasov D.Y. Influence of some geoecological factors on destruction of concrete constructions of Cheboksary hydroelectric power plant // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 160.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Estimation of environmental qualityof urban territory on the lipid peroxidation intensity and fluctuation asymmetry of Betula Pendula Roth. leaf

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It was revealed that lipid peroxidation intensity and fluctuating asymmetry value of Betula pendula Roth. leaf gives the similar estimation of environmental quality on  urbanized territory.  At the same time the lipid peroxidation is more sensitive indicator of the level of industrial pollution.

How to cite: Erofeeva E.A. Estimation of environmental qualityof urban territory on the lipid peroxidation intensity and fluctuation asymmetry of Betula Pendula Roth. leaf // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 166.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Evaluation of a breaking of plant communities exposed to technogenic load with space monitoring method

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The basic principles on the use of satellite images of different resolution to asses s the state of natural soil and plant communities with severe human impacts,  primarily atmospheric. The main features include load manmade the atmospheric accumulation of pollutants in the snowpack, changes in the state of soil and reduction of the projective cover of trees and shrubs as compared with background areas with negative long-term  dynamics.

How to cite: Korelskii D.S. Evaluation of a breaking of plant communities exposed to technogenic load with space monitoring method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 170.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Estimation of the condition of the soil-vegetative complexes having stress at atmospheric impact

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The main research objective was monitoring and assessment of terricolous and plant cover condition in forest ecosystems influenced by industrial pollution by the Severonickel Industrial Plant, which impact zone covers 1.4 thousand sq. km. During an expedition to the Murmansk Region samples of upper soil layers and plants were taken in areas directly affected by atmospheric impact from OAO Severonickel both at various distances from the plant and in background territories. This will help to determine the overall degree of soil contamination at various distances from the plant as well as distribution of heavy metals accumulated in various soil layers and a complex estimation of adverse impact on soil cover and various plant species.

How to cite: Korelskii D.S., Chukaeva M.A. Estimation of the condition of the soil-vegetative complexes having stress at atmospheric impact // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 174.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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About origin of acidification of «blue» lakes in the aria of humid climate

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«Black» lakes are widely widespread in the area of humid climate. Their waters contain  many humic matters and cut-in iron, therefore have different intensity with  a  brown  –  yellow tint. On this background lakes meetings lakes with clear colourless water considerably stand out. Due to mass development on the bottom of these lakes of dark blue-green aigae (cyanobacterias) water in them is of greenish-blue tint («blue» lakes). In the course of life, these microorganisms consume dissolved organic substances and sulfates and produce in the daytime – oxygen, and at night – hydrogen sulfide which reacts with dissolved iron in water. This transition increases the acidity of the pyrite in the lake  waters and is also accompanied by acidification of the water. Periodic formation of hydrogen sulfide is the cause of «acidification» of lakes. In addition, it leads to precipitation of dissolved iron in the form hydrotroilit. It’s not the «acid» rains that are only an additional supplier of sulfates in the lake under consideration but the activity of specific groups of microorganisms cyanobacteria mats that considered is the main cause of «acidification» of lakes (low  pH). These processes should be taken into account  when  considering the anthropogenic impact on the state of water objects.

How to cite: Kuzina I.L., Yakovlev O.N. About origin of acidification of «blue» lakes in the aria of humid climate // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 178.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Estimation of influence of sailings of dead rock on the condition of atmospheric air at open-cast mining iron ore of deposits located in northern regions

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The given work is devoted research of influence of sailings of dead rock on from atmospheric air for area and to an establishment of actual parameters of the given influence. The card of dispersion of an inorganic dust from external sailings, are defined in values of concentration of an inorganic dust in atmospheric  air.

How to cite: Kuznetsov V.S. Estimation of influence of sailings of dead rock on the condition of atmospheric air at open-cast mining iron ore of deposits located in northern regions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 182.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Justification of the necessity of forming a protective screen for dumping waste dumps in the development fields

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The negative impact of mining on the environment is increasing annually. This is due to an objective increase in  consumption  of material resources by humanity. In today's mining output of finished goods is less than 10%, the rest of the volume represented by mining and processing wastes, which are assigned for the storage of hundreds of thousands of hectares of land. Chemical waste, as a rule, contain components which, being  outdoors and being exposed to the impacts of climatic factors, can be transformed into new compounds, and to migrate hundreds of kilometers from the source.

How to cite: Kulikova M.A. Justification of the necessity of forming a protective screen for dumping waste dumps in the development fields // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 185.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Primary forecasting method in the problem of reducing loads on landscape under planning large-scale geological and ecological surveys

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The method is based on the formal lineament decoding the half-tone field of brightness of multispectral satellite slides. It includes the procedures  of point  of extremum tracing, rotation  and generalization with using angular and dispersion criteria. The result is the set of structuretectonic maps of different level of generalization. These maps are additionally processed for discovering the factors of structural control of ore objects of different ranges. Here the leading criteria are the periodicity, the areas of discordant relationship, and the singularities on the branches of logarithmic spirals. Such approach admits the forecast implementation with the information about reference objects and without this  one.

How to cite: Movchan I.B., Yakovleva A.A., Asyanina V.Y. Primary forecasting method in the problem of reducing loads on landscape under planning large-scale geological and ecological surveys // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 190.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Technogenic geochemistry in the development of Sibai chalcopyrite field

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Complex of geochemical studies in developing of Sibai chalcopyrite deposits are  conducted. The peculiarities of the chemical composition of natural waters, the specificity of technogenic migration of ore elements in river sediments and soils, as well as the involvement of  heavy metals into the biogeochemical cycle are established. The extent of transformation of natural geochemical processes in technogenesis is revealed. Approximate dimensions of man-made streams and scattering halos of ore metals are determined. The recommendations at reducing anthropogenic migration of elements are  aimed.

How to cite: Opekunov A.Y., Opekunova M.G. Technogenic geochemistry in the development of Sibai chalcopyrite field // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 196.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Approaches to the development of urban environmental monitoring systems supply

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In the area of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region  there are thousands  of hazardous  sites  for processing, transporting and storing natural gas, but despite the high environmental risk of man-made object, no methods for complex quantitative evaluation of their impact on the environment and choice on the basis of these methods are environmentally sound and economically effective environment protection measures. This article discusses approaches to creating  a  system of automatic production control of environmental objects of gas supply and gas distribution.

How to cite: Petrova T.A. Approaches to the development of urban environmental monitoring systems supply // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 205.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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The automatic control system for air pollution decrease

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The principal new approach for the air pollutions control in form of automatic control system (ACS) is considered. The object of control is represented by the mathematical model inputoutput. The theoretical and practical results of the ACS creation are cited.

How to cite: Solnitsev R.I., Korshunov G.I. The automatic control system for air pollution decrease // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 209.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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The ecological negative influence reduction ways on mining regions

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Coal mining can result in a number of adverse effects on the environment. Open  cast coal mines leaves areas of land that are no longer usable and leaves a scarred landscape with no scenic value. Rehabilitation can mitigate some of these concerns. Mine tailing dumps produce acid mine drainage which can seep into waterways and aquifers with consequences on ecological and human health. Subsidence of land surfaces due to collapse of mine tunnels can also occur. During the mining operation methane, a potent greenhouse gas and a constituent of fire damp, can be released. Wherever it occurs in the world, surface mining of coal completely eliminates existing vegetation, destroys the genetic soil profile, displaces or destroys wildlife and habitat, degrades air quality, alters current land uses, and to some extent permanently changes the general topography of the area mined.

How to cite: Fomin S.I., Faul A.A. The ecological negative influence reduction ways on mining regions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 215.
Environmental safety and risk assessment of technological impacts
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Seniority fixing in north regions: map-related project with estimation of climatic factors

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The project is focused on the comparative analysis of ecological-climatic data, population  and medical statistics within Russia, in particular, its North region. The investigation includes: development of original algorithm of automatic tracing the isolines for analogous maps digitizing; using ecological-demography and generalized medical information for allocation of areas of comfort perception of climate; digitized map zoning on the base of mentioned (reference) areas  and hazard index computing.

How to cite: Movchan I.B., Yakovleva A.A., Prokopova S.I. Seniority fixing in north regions: map-related project with estimation of climatic factors // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 220.
Environmental safety and risk assessment of technological impacts
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Risk assessment of anthropogenic impact of the fuel and energy complex

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This paper discusses a method  for  assessing the ecological risk of production  of the fuel  and energy complex, to identify key assumptions and sources of failures that can lead to accidents or emergencies.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Antsiferova T.A. Risk assessment of anthropogenic impact of the fuel and energy complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 225.
Environmental safety and risk assessment of technological impacts
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Assessment of the impact of fuel and energy complex on the environment in the enlargement of production

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Refineries are among the most dangerous man-made sources of pollution. As  a  result  of their productive activities are changing all the components of the environment, particularly air quality of surface waters. This paper assesses the impact of refineries at commissioning processes of deeper conversion of oil.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Antsiferova T.A. Assessment of the impact of fuel and energy complex on the environment in the enlargement of production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 229.
Environmental safety and risk assessment of technological impacts
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Increased environmental security of rubber industry companies

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Modern world and techniques can not be imagined without different rubber made goods. Nowadays big amount of rubber made goods are already piled up on a different junkyards, spe cial mortuaries, storage areas, etc. One step of rubber treatment process is devulcanization. Than this feedstock can be used in new goods and advanced industrial processes: road carpet, filling compound, etc.

How to cite: Sokolov M.V., Nikolyukni M.M., Polyanskii S.N. Increased environmental security of rubber industry companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 233.
Environmental safety and risk assessment of technological impacts
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Modeling of spread oil pollution on small rivers

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The paper deals with a mathematical model of the processes of spreading and transport of petroleum products over a small watercourse. Particular attention is paid to the joint consideration of the processes occurring in the temporal and spatial  domains.

How to cite: Chernyaev A.V., Pavlov A.A. Modeling of spread oil pollution on small rivers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 237.