Surface subsidence of the contact of Proterozoic clays with detritus in construction of subway in Saint Petersburg
About authors
- 1 — Saint Petersburg Mining University
- 2 — Saint Petersburg Mining University
In the article the outcomes of researches of the plane (two-dimensional) strains and deformations of an array of breeds around mentro tunnel of the St.-Petersburg underground are indicated: the settlement scheme, outcomes of accounts. The reasons and mechanism of settlings of a surface and contact proterozoic clays with soils are revealed.
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- Фадеев А. Б. Метод конечных элементов при решении геотехнических задач и программа «Геомеханика»: Учеб. пос. / А.Б.Фадеев, П.И.Репина, Э.К.Абдылдаев. Лен. ин-т инженеров железн. транспорта. Л., 1982.
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