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Vol 152
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Research article

Assessment of energy performance of copper-nickel electric smelting during the transition to a new type of feed materials

E. V. Kalyukina
About authors
  • Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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Due to the upcoming change in the composition of raw materials processed in the smelting furnaces of Pechenganickel Plant (OJSC Kola MMC), i.e. the transition to smelting of unburnt briquetted flotation concentrate, the specific electricity consumption for smelting was assessed. For this purpose, the indicators of electric furnaces of the smelting shop for 20 years with different charge compositions were processed by the method of correlation and regression analysis. It is established that the main factors determining specific electric power consumption are iron content in slag and matte and electric load of furnaces. A regression equation has been obtained that makes it possible to calculate the electric power consumption for melting for new charge compositions. For briquettes, the expected specific consumption is about 800 kW per 1 ton of metal-containing solid charge.

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  1. Серебряный Я.Л. Электроплавка медно-никелевых руд и концентратов. М.: Металлургия, 1974.
  2. Громыко Г.Л. Теория статистики: Учебник / Г.Л.Громыко, А.Н.Воробъев, С.Е.Казаринова. М.: Инфра-М, 2000.

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