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Vol 152
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Research article

Granite Crown of St. Petersburg

A. G. Bogatyreva
About authors
  • Student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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A historical review of the granite deposits of the Northwest of Russia, which have been used and are used in the construction of the city, has been performed. Five types of granites represented in these deposits are considered: trachytoid, ovoid, porphyritic plagiomicrocline, plagioclase, and red fine-grained. The geographical location of the deposits and the routes by which stone was transported to St. Petersburg are shown. Characteristic features of granite each of the deposits are described and the most famous buildings and monuments, the creation of which was used granite, these fields. Indicated, on which deposits extraction of stone is terminated, and where development continues. Illustrations allow to judge about continuity in use of granite as a building material, despite existence of varying architectural styles of different epochs. The report is prepared with the use of the program PowerPoint. The report is placed on 21 slides. Due to the possibilities of the program for animation of images achieved high visibility of the illustrative material. Wide possibilities of the program have allowed to transfer beauty and unique individuality of each type of a granite.

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  1. Булах A.T. Гранит рапакиви в монументах и набережных старого Петербурга как исторический символ города // Минерал. 1998. № 1.
  2. Булах А.Г. Каменное убранство центра Ленинграда / А.Г.Булах, Н.Б.Абакумова. Л., 1987.
  3. Журин А.А. Microsoft PowerPoint 2000: Краткие инструкции для новичков. М., 2001.
  4. Зискинд М.С. Декоративно-облицовочные камни. Л., 1989.

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