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Vol 152
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A generalized mathematical model of zinc-containing dust recycling in a Waelz kiln

Yu. V. Shuvalov1
M. A. Smolin2
About authors
  • 1 — Associate Professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
  • 2 — Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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Work was carried out to study the impact of ferrous metallurgy enterprises on the environment and to create a technology for the utilization of poor zinc-containing dusts. The choice of the Waelz process as a technology for utilization of poor zinc-containing dusts from blast-furnace, converter and open-hearth furnaces with regard to the conditions of OAO Severstal (Cherepovets) was made. The main goal of the work is to create a mathematical model of the process with subsequent evaluation of its adequacy by means of experimental installations. The model is planned to be used for choosing the optimal technological parameters of the process in the utilization of this type of material. A generalized mathematical model of heat and mass transfer in a Waelz kiln has been developed. The experimental evaluation of the adequacy of this mathematical model was conducted on the laboratory furnaces for drying pellets in fixed and rotating layers. The main directions of further research are defined.

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  1. Проблемы утилизации техногенных твердых отходов предприятий черной металлургии / М.Ш.Баркан, Ю.В.Шувалов, М.А.Пашкевич, С.Г.Гендлер М.А.Смолин // Материалы II Междунар. конгресса по управлению отходами. Вэйст Тэк-2001 (издана на компакт-диске). 2001.

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