Assessment of the impact of dust and gas clouds on the environment during blasting operations
About authors
- Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
The analysis of scientific and technical reports and literature on assessing the impact of dust and gas clouds on the environment during blasting is carried out. The mechanism of dust formation during blasting is considered, the factors that lead to the formation of a dust and gas cloud are listed.
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- Горные науки и промышленность: Сб. статей. М: Недра, 1989.
- Кучерявый Ф.И. Разрушение горных пород / Ф.И.Кучерявый, Ю.М.Кожушко. М.: Недра, 1972.
- Михайлов В.А. Борьба с пылью и ядовитыми газами при БВР работах на карьерах / В.А.Михайлов, П.В.Бересневич и др. М.: Недра, 1971.
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