The concept of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process of university students
2005 E. B. Naumenko, V. E. Shmidt
Methodological aspects of end-to-end nanotechnological (chemical-physical) education in a technical university
2005 A. G. Syrkova, E. I. Boguslavskii, V. G. Korsakov
Student-suicide: a historical and cultural phenomenon in Russia in the early twentieth century
2005 A. B. Lyarskii
Refraction of longitudinal waves by a layered packet of elastic-plastic and brittle media
2005 V. V. Karpenko, A. V. Kaprenko
On the periodization and dynamics of capitalist modernization in Russia (1860-1890s)
2005 V. N. Kuznetsov
Mining engineers - prominent Russian mathematicians of the late 19th - early 20th centuries
2005 L. V. Barbochenko, E. L. Bart, M. Yu. Sysoeva