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Vol 167 No 1
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Electric methods for identification of diamonds and jewelry stones

A. S. Mustafaev1
N. S. Pschelko2
I. I. Pavlikov3
E. Yu. Zevelev4
About authors
  • 1 — Professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — Associate professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 3 — Student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 4 — Student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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A comprehensive analysis of modern methods used for diamond identification has been carried out. It is shown that high thermal conductivity cannot unambiguously testify to the authenticity of a diamond, since synthetic imitations of silicon carbide have recently appeared. It is shown that electrical methods of gemstone diagnostics are promising but not yet sufficiently developed. A set of innovative electrocalcium methods for diamond identification is proposed. Techniques for measuring high resistivity, dielectric permittivity and surface potentials, which can be used in the procedure of diamond identification, are developed. An operational model has been tested in the study of new and traditional dielectric materials. The possibility of detecting differences in electrical and physical properties of externally identical materials using this method is shown.

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  2. Солодова Ю.П. Руководство по диагностике ювелирных камней / Ю.П.Солодова, Б.Г.Гранадчиковпа. М.: Финансы и статистика, 1981.
  3. Солодова Ю.П. Определитель ювелирных и поделочных камней. М.: Недра, 1985.
  4. Элекреты / Под ред. Г.Сесслера. М.: Мир, 1983.
  5. Pschelko N.S., Rastegaev V.P. Interlayer Polarization of Ionic Dielectrics as a Basis of Anodic Bonding Technology // Book of Abstracts. Meeting of the European Ceramic Society.St.-Petersburg, 2004.

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