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Vol 167 No 1
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Research article
Mining electromechanics

Conveyors with suspended belt for mining industry at the present stage of their development

D. E. Lunev
About authors
  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The article considers overhead belt conveyors, their design features and advantages over typical conveyors on roller supports. The scheme of the conveyor with a suspended belt is given, which shows the basic units. The main design limitations of the currently used conveyors with suspended belt are listed, as well as the main directions of improvement of this type of industrial transportation. Some results of works on improvement of their technical-economic and operational characteristics and prospects of using conveyors with suspended belt at the enterprises of mining industry are considered. The scheme of the stand, which serves for research of transverse belt tension on the middle section of the conveyor, is given and the main tasks, which it realizes, are described. The significance of research in this area is argued.

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