Economic evaluation of variants of complex development of oil resources of territories of Timan-Pechora oil and gas province
- Master’s degree student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
The given wok is devoted to the economical estimation of project variation of oil resources complex development on the territories of Timano-Pechora province. During the searching work the estimation of reserves & resources base structure of hydrocarbon raw materials on the territories of Timano-Pechora province are done; the possible projects of the oil extraction development in the study region are determined; the alternative projects of hydrocarbon raw material’s reserves development are analyzed and the end of economical estimation is the choice of the optimum project of oil extraction development in the study region – the oil company’s project. Thus, the complex development of the oil reserves & resources on the territories of Timano-Pechora province will give the serious impulse for the region development not only by oil & gas branch of industry but also by others branches that don’t connect with oil extraction. That will give the long duration development of the region economics and energy fields.
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