Reduction of technogenic load on components of natural environment in the area of location of technogenic massif of iron ore mineral deposits of Mikhailovsky MMP
2007 I. K. Ponurova
Economic evaluation of variants of complex development of oil resources of territories of Timan-Pechora oil and gas province
2007 E. I. Sapozhnikova
Passportization of the objects of improvement as a tool of effective management of the territory of the municipal district
2007 E. Yu. Ionova
Environmental Risk Management
2007 V. M. Vasiltsova, D. S. Olenin
Processing of jewelry industry wastes containing gold, silver, palladium
2007 A. S. Kukolevskiy, I. B. Elkin
The role of geology in the formation of scientific worldview
2007 B. Ya. Pukshanskiy, G. B. Pospekhov