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Vol 171
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Comparative analysis of blasting operations carried out at construction material quarries in Finland and Russia

V. N. Kovalevskii1
A. N. Kholodilov2
About authors
  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The experience of drilling and blasting operations at limestone quarries in Finland is described. The comparative characterization of drilling and blasting parameters, adopted for similar conditions in Russia and Finland, is carried out. The problems inherent in explosive mining of construction materials in Russian quarries are defined. The directions for improving the parameters of drilling and blasting operations are outlined, which will improve the quality of blasting preparation.

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  1. Макарьев В.П. Методика выбора диаметра скважин по минимуму себестоимости горной массы // Труды института «Гипроникель». 1975. Вып. № 61. С.34-38.
  2. Оксанич И.Ф. Закономерности дробления горных пород взрывом и прогнозирование гранулометрического состава / И.Ф.Оксанич, П.С.Миронов. М.: Недра, 1982. 166 с.

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