Wave principle of substantiation of the boundaries of hydrodynamic influence of geotechnical systems
- Tomsk Polytechnic University
The main goal of the investigation was to numerically determine and apply wave characteristics in a pressure-tight field in justification of the hydrodynamic influence limits in geotechnical systems. However, that research dealt with two problems: studies of wave processes and phenomena in water-pressure systems and justification of new material criteria and assessment techniques to estimate limits of hydrodynamic influence on interiors of a large variety of geotechnical systems (i.e. underground water intake structures, subsurface waste disposals, oil-and-gas fields, etc.). The following two tasks of the investigation were solved: computer simulation of harmonic low-frequency excitation of a pressure-tight hydrodynamic field from a single well (formulation and solution of the problem as experiment planning); modelling of a natural pressure-tight field in real conditions of non-uniform discontinuous industrial mode of pumping liquid wastes from a chemical plant.
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