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Vol 181
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Research article

Types of metasomatites of the Buruktalskoye deposit of hypergene nickel-lead ores, Southern Urals

S. O. Ryzhkova
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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Metasomatic ultramafites appear as ore bedrock for nickel lateritic deposits. First of all, they are represented by serpentinized harzburgites and dunites as well as serpentinites proper and their metasomatites. Metasomatites of the Buruktal Nickel Deposit can be divided into the pre-ore (Paleozoic) and the ore (Meso-Cenozoic) types. The pre-ore metasomatites are represented by talk, carbonate-talk, tremolite-actinolite and chlorite species. The ore-type metasomatites are represented by volumetric iron-oxide, nontronite-chlorite species and serpentinites as well as with vein (veinlet) metasomatites of carbonate and manganese composition.

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  2. Овчинников Л.Н. Полезные ископаемые и металлогения Урала. М.: Геоинформмарк, 1998. 411 с.
  3. Эдельштейн И.И. Петрология гипербазитов Тоболо-Иргизского района Южного Урала и особенности связанных с ними кор выветривания. М.: Наука, 1968. 199 с.

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