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Vol 181
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Estimation of the level of maintainability of complex energy components under operating conditions

I. I. Nikolaenkov
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  • St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University
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An approach is suggested to assessment of real time required to perform maintenance of selfcontained sources of power supply for mining, gas and petroleum processing facilities in hard-to-reach areas. The results obtained can be used in designing optimal operational and maintenance schemes for complex self-contained power complexes.

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  1. Дружинин Г.В. Процессы технического обслуживания автоматизированных систем. М., 1977.
  2. Волков П.Н. Некоторые проблемные вопросы теории ремонтопригодности машин // Надежность и контроль качества. М., 1969.

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