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Vol 187
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Some peculiarities of written translation

M. A. Ivanova
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  • Ph.D. associate professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The paper studies some difficulties and peculiarities of training skills of written translation. An attempt is made to classify these difficulties according to psychological mechanisms and translating activity.

written translation difficulties peculiarities of training skills
Go to volume 187


  1. Анохин П.К. Очерки по физиологии функциональных систем. М., 1975. 168 с.
  2. Воробьева М.Б. К вопросу о работе над научным текстом // Преподавание иностранного языка и его лингвистические основы. М., 1972. 285 с.
  3. Ермолович В.И. Проблемы изучения психологических аспектов перевода // Тетради переводчика. М., 1999. Вып.24. С.45-62.

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