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Vol 190
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Development of tecnological shemes of the selective extraction of the complex potash seams under conditions of the starobin deposit

O. V. Kovalev1
E. R. Kovalskii2
Yu. G. Sirenko3
I. Yu. Tkhorikov4
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  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 3 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 4 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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Approaches to selection of technological mining schemes based on selective potash seam extraction are described. Progressive technological mining schemes for potash mining company «Belaruskaliy» and the geological conditions of the IV potash horizon are reviewed. Basic aspects of the geomechanical substantiation of parameters of technological mining schemes for conditions of the new potash horizon in the presence of influence of the overlying horizons are also presented. Guidelines for substantiation of progressive mining methods for the conditions of the IV potash horizon (Third Mine, «Belaruskaliy») are developed on the basis of the modeling of the stress-and-strain state of the rocks.

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  1. Геология и петрография калийных солей Белоруссии. Минск: Наука и техника, 1969. 203 c.
  2. Мозер С.П. Горная геомеханика: физические основы и закономерности проявлений геомеханических процессов при подземной разработке месторождений / С.П.Мозер, Е.Б.Куртуков. СПб: Недра, 2009. 136 с.

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