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Vol 194
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«Gazprom»: answers to the world economic crisis challenges

N. A. Lomagin
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  • Saint Petersburg's State University
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Much academic work views the Russian gas sector in the first place from the standpoint of security of supply (European security). Concern is expressed about Europe’s level of dependence on Russian gas, and the lack of readily available alternatives. Few academic research, however, aims at discussing impact of the global economic crisis on the Russian sector and Russia’s response to it. This paper aims to contribute to this discussion by considering the Russian gas sector in the context of challenges caused by the economic downturn and by some other factors as well as the way how the Russian gas industry meet them. Discussions of domestic gas industry development and Russia’s export strategies have been set against this background. The structure of the pa- per reflects aforementioned topics.

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  1. Шафраник Ю. Место рождения. О путях эффективного развития российского ТЭК размышляет председатель Совета Союза нефтегазопромышленников России // Российская газета. 2010, 24 марта.
  2. Belton Catherine. Gazprom warns on delays to key field // The Financial Times. 2009, June 16.
  3. Belton Catherine. Gazprom resists contract renegotiation // The Financial Times. 2010, June 10.
  4. Belton Catherine. Weak demand and rising costs hit Gazprom // The Financial Times. 2011, February 11.
  5. Butler Nick. The era of global oil giants is over // The Financial Times. 2010, July 28.
  6. Crooks Ed. Gazprom delays raise supply crunch fears // The Financial Times. 2009, June 16.
  7. Crooks Ed., Hoyos Carola. Gazprom chief sets out world vision // The Financial Times. 2008, June 26.

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