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Vol 194
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Geophysical survey results in а copper-porphyre deposit (Republic of Tuva)

A. N. Orekhov
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  • Tomsk State Polytechnical University
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The complex copper-porphyre deposits constitutes the significant portion of the World’s and Russian gold reserves. The application of petrophysical and physico-geological models can increase the interpretation efficiency of data obtained in prospecting and exploration for copper-porphyre deposits. The paper presents the results of Ak-Sugskoe field geophysical survey and final conclusions based on the result analysis.

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  1. Забелин В.И. Элементы геолого-генетической модели Ак-Сугского медно-молибденового месторождения // Магматизм и металлогения рудных районов Тувы. Новосибирск, 1992. С.92-103.
  2. Павлова И.Г. Медно-порфировые месторождения. Л., 1978. 275 с.
  3. Физика горных пород / Под ред. Л.Я.Ерофеева. Томск, 2006. 520 с.

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