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Vol 196
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New information (date) on the delivery of green mineral and alumina lumps аnd two typesetting images for the cadet church to the Saint-Petersburg mining cadet corps

S. Yu. Stepanov1
Yu. V. Zhirnov2
About authors
  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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In 1826 two unique icons were delivered to Saint Petersburg Mining Cadet corps from Zlatoust. They were named composed icons because of their  background  composed  of different  Ural stones. These icons have become the objects of the historical analysis which results are presented in this article. The documents which are kept in the Saint Petersburg and Zlatoust archives served as a basis for icons history reconstruction. The article describes the story of malachite and corund blocks delivery to the museum of the Cadet corps. This story is based on the information which was found in the one of archival documents.

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  1. Архив Златоустовского городского округа. Ф. И 19. Оп.1. Дело 56. Переписка о доставлении различных ископаемых в Горный Корпус и двух наборных образов для Кадетской церкви.
  2. Версилов Н.П. По поводу столетия церкви Горного института // Горный журнал, июнь, 1905. Т.2. № 6.
  3. Очерки истории Горного института (1773-1917) / В.Г.Афанасьев, Л.Т.Позина, Ф.Л.Севастьянов и др. / Отв. ред. В.Г.Афанасьев. СПГГИ. СПб, 2010.
  4. Российский государственный исторический архив. Ф.37. Оп.2. Дело 32. Дело о двух наборных образах с положением в них 4 золотых самородков.

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