Comtarative analyses of russian and foreing low of hydrocarbon resources development
About authors
- Saint Petersburg State Mining University
In given work the analyses of low of petrol countries is fulfilled, the choice of this countries is modified. Oil and gas sector plays one of the most important role in Russian economic, but at the moment there is no special low the sphere of hydrocarbons’ development. Analysis of legislation in foreign countries which have similar conditions as Russia (USA, Norway, Brazil) let determine common traits and work out some advices for changing Russian regulation of oil and gas complex.
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- Пискарев А.Л. Энергетический потенциал Арктических морей России: выбор стратегии раскрытия / А.Л.Пискарев, М.Ю.Шкатов. М., 2009.
- Хартия экономических прав и обязанностей государств. 12.12.1974.
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