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Vol 196
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Effectiveness of using acid electolyte in powerful electrolyzer

D. D. Sharipov1
V. Yu. Bazhin2
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  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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The object of study is a modern aluminum electrolysis with prebaked anodes with 175 kA Tajik Aluminum Plant. When the load current change the physical conditions of displacement components of the melt, which are associated with higher speeds layers of metal and the electrolyte in the electrolytic bath. Changes in hydrodynamic conditions bath melt lead to the need to adjust the content of the main components of the melt on the bath ratio, to ensure maximum efficiency of the process.

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  1. Металлургия алюминия / Ю.В.Борисоглебовский, Г.В.Галевский, Н.М.Кулагин и др. Новосибирск, 2000. 438 с.
  2. Thonstad J.P., Fellner G.M., Haarberg I. Aluminium Electrolysis, Fundamentantals of the hall – heroult process (3d edition) // Aluminium Verlag. Dusseldorf, 2001. 359 р

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