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Vol 196
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Reconstruction of primary composition of metamorphic rocks of Amurskaya suites (Amurskii superterrane Central Asian orogenic belt)

A. V. Kurguzova
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  • Saint Petersburg State Mining University
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Composition of amursk suites metamorphic rocks was reconstructed by geochemical discrimination diagrams (Roser, Neelov). Tectonic settings were studied by REE   patterns.

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  1. Неелов А.Н. Петрохимическая классификация метаморфизованных осадочных и вулканогенных пород. Л., 1980. 100 с.
  2. Тейлор С.Р. Континентальная кора, ее состав и эволюция / С.Р.Тейлор, С.М.Мак-Леннан. М., 1988. 218 с.
  3. Roser B.P., Korsch R.J. Determination of tectonic setting of sandstone-mudstone suites using SiO2 content and K2O/Na2O ratio // J. Geol. 1986. Vol.94. P.635-650.

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