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Vol 198
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Experience in application of geophysical methods for stress-strain state of rock mass control with the goal of altering design solutions in liquidation the flooding of the emergency section of mine № 1-5 of the Barentsburg coal deposit

M. V. Shvankin1
S. N. Mulev2
A. P. Skakun3
E. N. Rabota4
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines)
  • 3 — National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines)
  • 4 — National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines)
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The paper presents the results of observations  of  stress-strain  state at  the Barentsburg coal deposit by means of the «Angel» equipment with the the purpose of detecting sections prone to manifestation of dynamic forms of rock pressure. The investigated sections of mine field were flooded for a long time, therefore after drainage the original cycles of geophysical measurements have  been  conducted  at all development workings and at production face by applying recording techniques for natural electromagnetic emission, recording of background component of natural electromagnetic field of the Earth, seismoacoustic emission (shock) and seismoacoustic emission (natural), pulsed by points (profiles)  along  the  workings. Parallel with geophysical observations measurements with KDM-1 device were made and visual ob- servations were carried out.

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  1. Аппаратно-программный комплекс «GeoInfo TransSystem» (GITS) в системах геодинамического и экологического мониторинга» / Д.В.Яковлев, Ю.С.Исаев, С.Н.Мулев, В.А.Яковлев, Д.Г.Лопатков, А.С.Максимов // Горная геофизика-98: Сб. науч. трудов / ВНИМИ. СПб, 1998. С.4-8.
  2. Комплекс для регистрации электромагнитного излучения «Ангел»: Руководство по эксплуатации ЕГ20К.000 РЭ / ВНИМИ. СПб, 2000. Ч.1. 17 с.
  3. Руководство по предупреждению геодинамических явлений при разработке угольных пластов Баренцбурского месторождения / ВНИМИ. СПб, 2009. 56 с.

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