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Vol 198
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Problem solving of design and planning of open pit mining in Mineframe system

O. V. Nagovitsyn1
S. V. Lukichev2
A. Yu. Alisov3
About authors
  • 1 — Mining Institute of the Kola Research Center of the RAS
  • 2 — Mining Institute of the Kola Research Center of the RAS
  • 3 — Mining Institute of the Kola Research Center of the RAS
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The article presents the results of development for computer-aided design and planning of open-pit mines with the Mineframe software. There have been shown such peculiarities of computer-aided planning process as horizon reserves, development of annual cutbacks, searching of quarterly (monthly) volumes, monthly scheduling of equipment operation placed on benches, solution of the problems of ten-day periods, daily and shifts planning based on bench modeling.

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  1. Капутин Ю.Е. Информационные технологии планирования горных работ (для горных инженеров). СПб.: Недра, 2004. 424 с.
  2. Лукичев С.В. Автоматизированная система MineFrame 3.0 / С.В.Лукичев, О.В.Наговицын // Горная промышленность. 2005. № 6. С.32-35.
  3. Планирование развития горных работ в карьерах
  4. / А.И.Арсентьев, А.А.Советов, В.С.Хохряков, Н.Д.Бевз, В.Г.Близнюков. М.: Недра, 1972. 152 с.
  5. Совершенствование методов проектирования и планирования горных работ в карьере / Под ред. акад. Н.В. Мельникова. Л.: Наука, 1981. 280 с.

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