Look-ahead estimation of consequences mines works under high-voltage line of electric transfers and monitoring behind their condition
About authors
- 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 3 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 4 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
The way of precalculation downing and raisings of the wires suspended to support air Line of electric transfers, being in a zone of influence of mountain works is resulted. The technique of carrying out of monitoring high-voltage air Line of electric transfers is stated at it mines works.
- Правила охраны сооружений и природных объектов от вредного влияния подземных горных разработок на угольных месторождениях / ВНИМИ. СПб, 1998. 291 с.
- Патент 2294289 РФ. Способ определения удлинения проводов на участках между опорами высоковольтных линий электрических передач (ЛЭП) / В.Н.Гусев, Б.Н.Абрамович, Е.М.Волохов, А.Н.Евсеев. Опубл. 27.02.2007. Бюл. № 6.
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