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Vol 204
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Assessment of the degree of disturbance of the undermined strata by technogenic water conducting fractures according to geomechanical monitoring in the excavations of Yakovlevski mine

V. N. Gusev1
D. A. Ilyukhin2
A. E. Zhuravlev3
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 3 — Ltd «STIS»
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According to the results of geomechanical monitoring in the  excavations of  Yakovlevski mine distribution of zone water conducting fractures in consequence of displacement and deformation of rocks from concrete backfilling voids evaluated. The convergence of the boundary curvature and the curvature obtained from observations of strata movement to a single span istaken into consideration.

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  1. Авершин C.Г. Горные работы под сооружениями и водоемами. М.: Углетехиздат, 1954. 324 с.
  2. Гусев В.Н. Геомеханика техногенных водопроводящих трещин / Санкт-Петербург. горный ин-т. СПб, 1999. 156 с.
  3. Гусев В.Н. Учет длины интервала измерений при получении деформаций кривизны / В.Н.Гусев, А.Е.Журавлев // Методы прикладной математики в транспортных системах: Сб. науч. трудов / СПГУВК. СПб, 2002. Вып.6. С.61-62.

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