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Research article
Economic Geology

Investigation of the effectiveness of the use of various substances for dust suppression during the transshipment of granular sulfur

Viktoriya V. Lisai1
Yurii D. Smirnov2
Andrei V. Ivanov3
Gabriel Borowski4
About authors
  • 1 — Labor Protection and Environmental Specialist Stevedoring and Shipping Company Limited ▪ Orcid
  • 2 — Ph.D. Associate Professor Empress Catherine ΙΙ Saint Petersburg Mining University ▪ Orcid ▪ Scopus ▪ ResearcherID
  • 3 — Ph.D. Associate Professor Empress Catherine ΙΙ Saint Petersburg Mining University ▪ Orcid
  • 4 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. Professor Lublin University of Technology ▪ Orcid
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The article is devoted to the problem of dusting during the transshipment of granular sulfur and existing methods of dust suppression. The analysis of various methods for reducing dust emission at granulated sulfur storage and transportation facilities is presented. The necessity of using special reagents to increase the efficiency of dust suppression and re-granulation of sulfur crushed by abrasion is noted. The sulfur dust obtained from the port terminal during the transshipment of technical sulfur was analyzed for granulometric composition. The results of experimental studies of the effectiveness of the use of various substances for sulfur dust suppression (alkyl polyglycosides, sodium silicate, starch) are presented. The laboratory installation was a hopper, inside which a test sample of dusty material was placed. The sample was subjected to an aerodynamic effect by an air flow at a given speed. The concentrations of suspended solids were measured with a dust meter-nephelometer with a sampling tube placed in the geometric center of the hopper. The effectiveness of dust suppression agents was determined based on a comparison of the concentration values obtained on dry and treated samples. For dust suppression at granulated sulfur treatment facilities, it is proposed to use a composition based on nonionic surfactants represented by a mixture of C12-14-alkylglycosides oligomers (1-1.5 %), additionally containing a mixture of amylose and amylopectin polysaccharides in the form of soluble starch (1-2.5 %) and water. The dust suppressor showed consistently high dust suppression efficiency both when measured immediately after irrigation (98.3 %) and after the expected time (99.7 %). The developed composition provides an increase in the dust-suppressing ability of the solution and the elimination of the possibility of repeated dusting due to the formation of a polymer film on the surface, as well as the regranulation of the product crushed by abrasion.

sulfur granular sulfur dust transportation pouring dust emission dust suppression
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