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Vol 240
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Improving the efficiency of technological preparation of single and small batch production based on simulation modeling

S. A. Lyubomudrov1
I. N. Khrustaleva2
A. A. Tolstoles3
A. P. Maslakov4
About authors
  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great
  • 2 — Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great
  • 3 — Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great
  • 4 — Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great
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Technological preparation of production is an integral stage of the production process, which is characterized by high complexity, which is largely felt in the conditions of single and small-scale types of production. The effectiveness of technological preparation of production is increased through automation with the use of simulation modeling. The objective of the study is to develop a simulation model that allows you to determine a rational version of the process for processing a batch of parts. The simulation model described in the article allows to analyze the production schedule of the enterprise, build processing routes, evaluate options for using various types of workpieces and technological equipment, determine the acceptable values of cutting conditions, and choose a rational variant of the technological process of processing a batch of parts. The developed simulation model is based on the principles of modular technologies, the part is considered as a combination of individual elementary surfaces. Each elementary surface contains information about the technological processing route, technological equipment and the type of technological equipment used in its manufacture, cutting conditions and the size of the allowance for each processing stage. The rational choice of the technological process is selected on the basis of multicriteria analysis according to three criteria: the value of variable costs, the production time of a batch of parts and the value of the processing error. The analysis of these criteria is made and the parameters that have the greatest impact on their value are determined. The developed classification of surface elements is described: design elements, technological elements, basic elements, as well as a mathematical model based on which the calculation of the values of the criteria for choosing a rational option.

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