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Vol 240
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Research article
Oil and gas

Improving the efficiency of using resource base of liquid hydrocarbons in Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia

M. K. Rogachev1
V. V. Mukhametshin2
L. S. Kuleshova3
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  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • 3 — Branch of Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
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Under conditions of the same type of oil deposits with hard-to-recover reserves in Jurassic terrigenous reservoirs of the West Siberian oil and gas province, a study was made about the influence of the geological structure features of objects and water flooding technologies on the response degree of production wells to water injection. Response degree of the wells was determined by analyzing the time series of production rates and injection volumes of injection wells with the calculation of inter-correlation function (ICF) values. It was believed that with ICF values in a given injection period of more than 0.5, production well responds to the injection. Factors that have a prevailing effect on water flooding success have been identified. Among them: effective oil-saturated thickness of the formation in production wells; relative amplitude of the self polarization of the formation in both production and injection wells; grittiness coefficient of the formation in injection wells; monthly volume of water injection and distance between wells. Methodological approach is proposed based on the application of the proposed empirical parameter of water flooding success, which involves the use of indirect data in conditions of limited information about the processes occurring in the formation at justification and selection of production wells for transferring them to injection during focal flooding; drilling of additional production and injection wells – compaction of the well grid; shutdown of injection and production wells; use of a transit wells stock; use of cyclic, non-stationary flooding in order to change the direction of filtration flows; determining the design of dual-purpose L-shaped wells (determining length of the horizontal part); limitation of flow rate in highly flooded wells with a high degree of interaction; determination of decompression zones (without injection of indicators), stagnant zones for drilling sidetracks, improving the location of production and injection wells, transferring wells from other horizons; choosing the purpose of the wells during implementation of the selective water flooding system in order to increase the efficiency of using the resource base of liquid hydrocarbons.

resource base of hydrocarbons oil recovery factor Jurassic deposits flooding
Go to volume 240


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