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Research article

Industrial safety principles in coal mining

E. N. Chemezov
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  • M.K.Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University
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The article provides a description of injuries in coal mining enterprises in Russia. The high injury rate causes the need of developing new effective ways and means of improving safety at mining enterprises. Recently in Russia there has been a tendency for a slight decrease in fatal injuries, which indicates some progress in prevention of industrial accidents. At the same time, the problem of improving the working conditions of coal miners, reducing the level of injuries and occupational diseases in this industry remains a very urgent task. Ensuring safe operation and industrial health and safety is not only reasonable economic policy but one of the constitutional human rights. At Russian coal mining enterprises, they take measures to reduce injuries, the supervisory authorities and employees of the enterprises carry out certain work to comply with safety requirements. However, significant success has not yet been achieved. Despite the fatal injuries and accidents, the issue of industrial mining safety is not becoming a top priority. Occupational safety measures are often financed on a «left-over» principle, and therefore remain not implemented. Many managers do not pay enough attention to safety issues and have little control over the planned activities in this area. The article analyzes the causes of injuries and proposes the key directions for creating normal working conditions in coal mining enterprises.

injuries rate safety accidents occupational diseases guidelines coal mining risks violation
Чемезов Е.Н. Принципы обеспечения безопасности горных работ при добыче угля // Записки Горного института. 2019. Т. 240. С. 649-653. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.6.649
Chemezov E.N. Industrial safety principles in coal mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 240. p. 649-653. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.6.649
Go to volume 240


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