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Vol 240
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Research article
Oil and gas

Development of Scada-model for trunk gas pipeline's compressor station

Yu. V. Ilyushin1
O. V. Afanaseva2
About authors
  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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Nowadays, at all levels of created automated control systems for technological processes, programmable technical means are used that require specific software within framework of necessary functional tasks. This software should include a set of software tools that communicate with technical devices and organize «human-machine interface» (HMI) in the form of application software for AWPs with assigned communication tasks for persons, responsible for management decision-making: operators, dispatchers, managers. However, hardware architecture is unique for each particular case, so it is necessary to refine or create a new control system. This is a rather laborious process. To simplify creation of such systems SCADA-systems are used. Article is devoted to development of SCADA-component for trunk gas pipeline's compressor workshop. Developed component allows tracking the characteristics of gas transportation process selected by operator. Development is based on «Windows» operating system and integrated environment TRACE MODE (SCADA/HMI).

analysis monitoring compressor workshop management gas
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