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Vol 240
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Research article
Oil and gas

Methodology for calculating technical efficiency of power sections in small-sized screw downhole motors for the «Perfobur» system

I. A. Lyagov1
F. D. Baldenko2
A. V. Lyagov3
V. U. Yamaliev4
A. A. Lyagova5
About authors
  • 1 — «Perfobur» LLC
  • 2 — National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University»
  • 3 — Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • 4 — Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • 5 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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With an increase in the share of old and low-yield wells and for the efficient exploitation of fields, it is necessary to include low-capacity formations into production. There are many wells where sidetracking and hydraulic fracturing are difficult due to the close proximity of the gas cap and underlying water caused by geological and technological reasons, and the use of existing secondary drilling-in technologies is not effective due to the extensive colmatated zone or annular circulation. Relevance of radial drilling technologies is growing, which allows drilling-in of the formation with a network of extended channels to establish high-quality hydraulic communication between the formation and the well without affecting the permeability of the formation. In contrast to radial drilling technologies using hydraulic washing, technical system (TS) «Perfobur» uses small-sized screw downhole motors (SDM) and rock cutting tools for channel construction. For efficient milling of production casing and destruction of rock, the hydraulic downhole motor must have high torque, and for the possibility of drilling with a high rate of angle gain, it must have short power section. Existing Russian and foreign SDM have limited number of standard sizes and do not meet the requirements specified for the development of the downhole module of TS «Perfobur». The paper discusses the development of universal small-sized sectional screw downhole motors for milling casing strings and drilling a network of branched channels of super-small diameter and radius of curvature as a part of the TS «Perfobur». Methodology proposed in the article for selecting optimal configuration of the SDM power sections allows constructing small-sized sectional downhole motor that meets the technical requirements and has improved characteristics compared to standard SDM.

perforationbit secondaryreservoirdrilling-in enhanced oil recovery deep perforation drilling screw downhole motor
Лягов И.А., Балденко Ф.Д., Лягов А.В., Ямалиев В.У., Лягова А.А. Методология расчета технической эффективности силовых секций малогабаритных винтовых забойных двигателей для системы «Перфобур» // Записки Горного института. 2019. Т. 240. С. 694-700. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.6.694
Lyagov I.A., Baldenko F.D., Lyagov A.V., Yamaliev V.U., Lyagova A.A. Methodology for calculating technical efficiency of power sections in small-sized screw downhole motors for the «Perfobur» system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 240. p. 694-700. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.6.694
Go to volume 240


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