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Vol 234
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Research article

Migration forms of chemical elements in the intrusive rocks of the Eastern Desert (El Sela area, Egypt)

M. M. Ghoneim1
E. G. Panova2
About authors
  • 1 — post-graduate student Saint-Petersburg State University; Nuclear Materials Authority, Cairo, Egypt
  • 2 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Saint-Petersburg State University
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In the Egypt's Eastern Desert intrusive rocks with U-REE mineralization (two-mica granites, microgranites, dolerites, and bostonites) are developed. We estimated the content of chemical elements in reference samples of intrusive rocks and also in their water-soluble (colloid-salt) fraction. This fraction is water-extracted from the rock under certain conditions. The rock sample and its colloid-salt fraction are analyzed using ICP-MS. The chemical characteristic of the extracted fraction reflects the mobile migrating part of the chemical elements in the composition of the rocks. Comparison of the obtained data allows us to estimate the share of migrating and weakly migrating elements.

uranium rare earths elements intrusive rocks migration forms of chemical elements Eastern desert Egypt
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