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Vol 234
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Game theory model of state in-vestment into territories of advanced development in the regions of mineral resources specialization

A. V. Kozlov1
A. B. Teslya2
S. A. Chernogorskii3
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University
  • 2 — Ph.D. associate professor Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University
  • 3 — Ph.D. associate professor Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University
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Historically developed and non-compliant with modern conditions, the structure of industry placement and related inequality in economic development of certain territories are additional negative factors that hinder economic development of the country. Hence, the search for new organizational forms and methods of territorial development, facilitation of industrial growth in regions with mineral resources specialization become more and more relevant. Another no less important issue is justification of economic feasibility of using such tools and assessment of critical consequences of their application. Suggested by the authors, game theory model of state investment into territories of advanced development describes the method of limited resources distribution and becomes an instrument to assess the feasibility of investment into creation of advanced development territories under the conditions of insufficient information and actions of specific interest groups. Application of the suggested game theory model of state investment into creation of advanced development territories allows to forecast behavior of program participants, to model consequences of management decisions both for government structures and separate program participants.

territories of advanced development investment regions of mineral resources specialization interest groups game theory model stakeholders
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