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Vol 233
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Calculations of dynamic operating modes of electric drives self-propelled mining machines

E. K. Eshchin
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  • Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F.Gorbachev
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The task of improving the calculations of the dynamic modes of electric drives of self-propelled mining machines, particulary, tunneling machines, is considered. Attention is drawn to the possibility to opearte in dynamic modes of a spatial change in the an asynchronous electric motor stator housing position, included in the electric drive, around the axis of its rotor due to the ultimate rigidity of the supports of the mining machine. In connection to this, it is possible to change the absolute angular velocity of rotation of the electromagnetic field of the stator of this electric motor. The necessity of introducing into existing mathematical models that determine the state and behavior of asynchronous electric motors, additional differential and algebraic relations for calculating the absolute speed of the electromagnetic field of the stator and the nature of the motion of the stator housing of the electric motor as part of the mining machine is noted. The results of calculations of the idle start mode of the electric motor of the executive body of the mining combine are shown, showing the difference in the nature of its electromagnetic moment variation, rotor rotation speed, as well as efforts in individual reducer elements of the driving body driving the stator body from similar calculation results without taking into account the stator body movement. The conclusion is made about the possible discrepancy between the calculated and experimental results in the study of the dynamic modes of self-propelled mining machines.

electric drive motor stator absolute speed of the electromagnetic field dynamic modes of operation
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