- Saint-Petersburg Mining University
The paper discusses the peculiarities of structural modelling (forecast of the depths of the reflecting horizons) based on the seismic and drilling data system. Seismic data are represented by vertical time values and the stacking velocity of borehole data that are the depth marks of the reflecting horizons. Vertical time and the depth of the reflecting horizons are bound by the equation of average velocity but the average velocity is not determined in a seismic experiment, therefore an issue of choosing a velocity model of a complex natural object arises. The task of structural modelling is solved by the selection of formal expressions containing correlations between the parameters of the underlying model and kinematic parameters of the wave field. The optimal decision on model selection is determined by the minimum discrepancy between the predicted and actual values of the depth of the sample boreholes. A practical example shows possible variants of the interpretation model. An inverse kinematic problem on converting the vertical time of the reflected waves at the depth of horizons is solved in each production report on the results of seismic work and is probably the most common objective of seismic exploration. Considering the variety of research objects and the apparent obviousness of the solution, this topic is underrepresented in scientific literature.
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