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Vol 226
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Legal challenges of the new energy policy in Germany

Marian Pashke
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  • University of Hamburg
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German Energiewende has substantially changed the electricity mix in Germany. Green electricity from wind, solar, water and biomass now provides the largest contribution to the total electricity consumption. In this respect, Energiewende can be regarded as an overall success. But in parallel to this scenario, a critical discourse has evolved concerning socio-political, economic and legal issues. The congruence of objectives and measures – for example, in regards to ensuring security of supply, expansion of electricity networks, development of electricity price and environmental consequences – in the course of expansion of electricity generation from renewable sources is the main focus of socio-political and economic discussions. Accelerated phase-out of nuclear energy and constitutional disputes regarding the legality of national orientation of the promotional scheme for green electricity in respect to the integration of German electricity sector in the European internal market for energy are in the centre of the debate and have a remarkable impact on the energy policy in Russia as well. Against this background, present article examines the contribution of German Energiewende to the resolution of complex challenges of the developed industrial society.

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