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Vol 226
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Challenges and trends of quality management in the context of industrial and mineral resources economy

V. P. Semenov1
Yu. I. Mikhailov2
About authors
  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» them. V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin)
  • 2 — Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University «LETI» them. V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin)
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The paper reviews key challenges and trends of quality management in the context of industrial and mineral resources economy, from the beginning of research on quality to organization of modern systems, based on principals of total quality management. Attention is given to relevant issues, associated with the application of process and project approaches to quality management and with international management system standards. The authors present a list of key modern methods, instruments and concepts of quality management in the context of industrial and mineral resources economy. The paper reviews modern trends in the development of quality management, including formation and development of integrated management systems, control over the reproduction of intellectual capital under the conditions of global market and development of innovation economy.

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