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V. A. Lebedev
V. A. Lebedev
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


Energy industry
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Enhancement of energy efficiency of the vacuum oil distillation unit using pinch analysis

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The actual task of the state is to increase the energy efficiency of the oil refinery. The object of research is a vacuum distillation unit, including a preheating unit for raw materials and a furnace for heating fuel oil before the column. Pinch analysis allows to analyze and optimize a large number of heat flows. In this study the analysis and enhancement of efficiency of the research object is carried out by enthalpy pinch analysis. In order to reduce the heat load of the furnaces, the additional flows were introduced into the heat exchange system of the oil heating unit. Parametric optimization of the new heat exchange system was carried out. The minimum needs of the heat exchange system in external energy carriers are determined. An enthalpy cascade of the heat exchange system has been constructed, which clearly shows the distribution of heat between each heat flow of the system. In the analysis of the energy efficiency of a furnace, an important point is the determination of the optimal heat capacity of the combustion products. In this work, we have determined the optimal flow heat capacity, at which the heat loss with the exhaust gases is minimal. As a result of the studies carried out, the efficiency of the fuel oil preheating unit has been increased by maximizing heat recovery, and the cost of external energy carriers has been minimized. By reducing heat loss with flue gases, it was possible to increase the efficiency of the furnace.

How to cite: Yushkova Е.А., Lebedev V.A. Enhancement of energy efficiency of the vacuum oil distillation unit using pinch analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 261. p. 415-427. EDN LXDVDP
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Exergy method to evaluate the efficiency of the equipment of power supply systems of enterprises of mineral-raw complex

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The article considers the question of increase of efficiency of systems of energy enterprises of the mineral complex. Currently, the systems of energy enterprises of the mineral complex uses various types of power installations of low and medium power. The main types are gas turbine, gas, diesel, combined cycle, steam turbine and others. Their main purpose is to provide electricity and heat to industrial enterprises, technological processes and social structures. When choosing the type of installation uses a variety of criteria – technical, economic, reliability and other. Often it is necessary to take into account the climatic and geographical factors, for example, problems with fuel delivery [7]. In recent times when selecting the type of plants used criterion of energy efficiency. The main indicator is the effective efficiency calculated by the classical method of heat balances. The article proposes the use of exergy method of determining energy efficiency, allowing to perform relative (exergetic efficiency) and absolute evaluation of the degree of thermodynamic perfection of the system. As an example, considered exergy analysis of steam turbine power as an alternative energy supply systems of enterprises.

How to cite: Lebedev V.A. Exergy method to evaluate the efficiency of the equipment of power supply systems of enterprises of mineral-raw complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 219. p. 435. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.3.435
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Complex power supply at well drilling in complicated climate conditions

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The article deals with the problems of complex power supply of the well construction process in adverse climatic conditions. An option of associated petroleum gas utilization in power units for drilling operations is offered. The method of calculating heat losses of technological objects and required heating capacity for maintaining working temperature is given. A combined heat and power scheme enabling simultaneous electric and heat supply of oilfield objects with the use of associated petroleum gas as an energy source for power generation units is developed. Implementation of such a scheme guarantees power structure functioning without downfalls of produced en-ergy during the year, thus maintaining high efficiency of overall power generation.

How to cite: Lebedev V.A., Leusheva E.L., Morenov V.A. Complex power supply at well drilling in complicated climate conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 213. p. 47.
Geoeconomics and Management
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The possibility to predict the oil and gas price crisis in the world market on the basis of the correlation analysis

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The article is devoted to the search for the formal signs of the onset of crisis phenomena in the global economy related to the financial and oil and gas markets. To predict the crisis in the financial market and, as a consequence, the fuel market, the theory of «Jokers and Channels» is used in this paper. In accordance with the theory, the market is divided into predictable and unpredictable periods. Methods of the correlation analysis are used to analyze time series of exchange rates and oil and gas prices. In this paper, the authors construct the time dependence of the annual Pearson correlation coefficients between the ranks of quotes of the world leading currencies over the period from 1999 to 2013. A strong correlation between oil prices and the dollar exchange rate leads to the suggestion of identifying the crisis phenomena in the oil market, and due to the strong link between oil and gas prices, in the liquefied gas market. According to the results of the correlation analysis, the «Joker» period is determined and the conventional period of crisis enters it with some delay. Thus, based on the research the authors can conclude that, in fact, the global crisis starts earlier than the generally accepted term and is determined by the Joker period.  

How to cite: Lebedev V.A., Spesivtsev B.I. The possibility to predict the oil and gas price crisis in the world market on the basis of the correlation analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 213. p. 94.

Analysis of the vat residue of radioactive waste and the development of matrix mixtures for immobilization of the compound on the basis of mineral binders nanomodified

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In this paper we analyzed the vat residue of liquid radioactive waste and matrix schemes are typical of mixtures of still bottom liquid radioactive waste for effective immobilization. Shows the values that characterize the degree of filling omonolichennyh (cemented) radioactive waste, resulting from the experiments and achievements in the world (desirable).

How to cite: Lebedev V.A., Piskunov V.M. Analysis of the vat residue of radioactive waste and the development of matrix mixtures for immobilization of the compound on the basis of mineral binders nanomodified // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 55.

Improving the efficiency of immobilization of radioactive waste

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On the basis of experimental research developed a method for immobilization of problematic radioactive waste in the compound of magnesium binding to the degree of inclusion of dried radioactive salts, 37 % (based on the technology of cement concrete can not enter more than 7 %  of the salts of the still bottoms), and the quality of the compound corresponds to the specifications and technical documentation  requirements.

How to cite: Lebedev V.A., Piskunov V.M. Improving the efficiency of immobilization of radioactive waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 59.