The article deals with the development technologies of deep ore deposits with medium life cycle. These deposits are a promising source of raw materials for many Russian mining enterprises. The "upward" and "downward" technology of stripping and development of such deposits is proposed. The results of regime-deformation tests in the "up-down" technology and their comparison with the results in the "down-down" technology are given.
Modern stripping schemes for steeply dipping ore deposits are analyzed. Possible stripping schemes for ore body mining in the combined ascending-descending order of operations are designed. Dependences of the reduced costs on the depth of the first stage of stripping and the angle of dip of the ore body at the combined order of deposit development are established. Conclusions and recommendations are made.
The analysis of domestic and world practice of development of technogenic resources shows that their development can serve as an additional source of obtaining non-ferrous and precious metals for mining enterprises, as well as contribute to the reduction of the harmful effects of toxic substances on the environment and the return to the economic turnover of previously withdrawn lands. For a number of mines, the development of man-made deposits is a priority source of existence of the mining enterprise. However, the practical development of such deposits is not carried out, as at the mining enterprises the technology and working projects of selective development of man-made deposits of minerals are absent. The requirements to the technological schemes of development of technogenic deposits are substantiated and the ways of selective excavation of useful components from the tailings of concentrating factories, providing the extraction of only the most enriched sections with leaving the main mass of rocks in place of their occurrence, are proposed.
The possibility of using the ascending order of mining deep horizons of the Zapolyarnoye deposit at the Severny mine of the Kola MMC instead of the currently used descending order of development system with sub-stage ore excavation and backfilling of the mined space with solid monolithic backfill is considered. It is proposed to switch to a two-stage development of chambers with the use of combined stowing in the ascending order of excavation within the entire field: solidifying monolithic stowing of the I stage chambers and rock stowing of the II stage chambers. Monolithic solid stowing serves as a retaining wall when excavating phase II chambers. Calculations according to the Coulomb theory allow us to consider the ratio of phase I and II chambers sizes equal to 1:7 to be expedient. Replacement of solid stowing with combined stowing, most of which is represented by rock, as well as transition to increased height of chambers will reduce the cost of extracted ore and improve the geomechanical situation in the host rocks.
The data on the content of useful components in the wastes of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises and the dynamics of their growth are given. The features of formation of technogenic deposits and distribution of non-ferrous metals within them are studied. It is established that although the content of metals in the technogenic deposit changes in different directions, the maximum changes are most often observed vertically. The requirements to technological schemes of technogenic deposits mining are substantiated and methods of selective excavation of useful components from tailing ponds of enrichment plants are proposed, providing for the extraction of only the most enriched areas with leaving the bulk of rocks in the place of their occurrence.
Медно-никелевое месторождение Каула разрабатывалось в верхней части карьером, а в нижней подземным способом с первоочередным извлечением камерных запасов. В последнее время перешли ко второй стадии разработки — выемке оставленных рудных целиков. Месторождение представлено Пластообразной залежью с переменными мощностью и углом падения; глубина залегания до 400 м (по вертикали). Крепость руды характеризуется коэффициентом 8—12, а вмещающих пород — 8—14 по М. М. Протодьяконову ...
В практике разработки месторождений полезных ископаемых имеется немало случаев применения комбинированных систем разработки с выемкой камерных запасов и оставлением временных целиков. При этом на месторождениях с относительно устойчивыми рудами и породами камеры отрабатывают, как правило, высокоэффективными системами с последующим заполнением выработанного пространства сухим закладочным материалом — скальной породой от проходки полевых выработок и вскрыши карьера. В оставляемых междукамерных и междуэтажных целиках часто остается до 50— 60% общих запасов месторождения, которые извлекают трудоемкими и малопроизводительными системами (слоевого обрушения, со станковой крепью и закладкой и др.) ...
В 1966 г. на руднике Каула-Котсельваара комбината Пе- ченганикель были проведены опытные работы по отработке междукамерного целика, расположенного между стенками из укрепленной цементным раствором закладки. Опытные работы проводились на участке рудного тела мощностью 6—8 м с углом падения 26—30°. Вмещающие породы—филитты — частично разбиты поперечными трещинами. В целом руда и порода устойчивы. Коэффициент крепости руды 8—12, породы — 10—12. Объемный вес руды 3,2 т/м 3 , закладочного материала — 2,8 т/м 3 .