The St. Petersburg Mining Institute has carried out a number of works in which a wide enough area of use of spiral-chain gearing in the drive of mining machines is defined, a methodology for calculating the main design parameters is developed, and also experimental data of laboratory and industrial tests of hoisting and transporting vehicles with a spiral-chain traction device (SCTD) are obtained, which have found application at mining enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk region. However, ensuring safer operating conditions of mining machines with SCTD requires additional studies of the influence of external factors on the process of converting the rotary motion of the working body into translational movement of the vehicle.
Nowadays, worldwide, drilling of long directional wells is an urgent problem in geological exploration, oil, coal, gas industries, as well as in the construction of long communications.
На основании результатов теоретического и экспериментального исследований подъемных установок с тяговым устройством спирально-цевочного типа (ТУСЦ), выполненных в Ленинградском горном институте, были получены ракетные зависимости конструктивных и эксплуатационных параметров ...
Строительство и эксплуатация подземных сооружений всегда связаны использованием подъемных машин. Наибольшее распространение на современных предприятиях получили машины со шкивом трения ...