New design and action principles of damping devices for load-carrying branches of the belt conveyor loading zone of rough material, providing a significant reduction in fatigue wear and abrasive belt nave been described. The calculated formula for definition of the loadings which determine the main parameters of these devices is resulted.
The new design of cable-belt conveyor is described. This type of conveyor is alternative of existing two-planimetric cable-rope conveyors and it allows to eliminate organic lacks of existing conveyors is described. Settlement formulas for definition of key parameters defining loadings on elements of the conveyor and its drive are resulted.
The construction of a chain shutter for use on mines is described and proved at release of large pieces of mined rock from final apertures of ore chutes of the increased cross-section sections, allowing to eliminate lacks of existing constructions and to raise reliability of operation the chute tapper of unloading of mined rock.
Actuality of improving belt capture systems of inclined conveyors is showed, the classification of this systems and schemes of the most indicative types are safety gear.
The construction and operating of two-circuit vertical belt conveyor are present, experimental laboratory model, the method of experimental research and tractional calculation specifics are shown.
The method of increasing the efficiency of hydromechanized extraction of ferromanganese nodules of the Baltic Sea is proposed. The object of the research are the processes occurring in the perforated insert located behind the power unit in the bottom zone and designed to remove excess water and sludge. The design of the perforated spigot and the relationship between its length and the parameters of the extraction process are described. The design scheme of the laboratory bench, the data obtained during the experiment and the results of their primary processing are presented.
Research and development aimed at improving the technical and economic indicators of conveying, loading, unloading and lifting equipment, which can be used in mining and other industries. New constructions of machines and equipment, methods of calculation and selection of main parameters are developed.
Loading of high-speed main belt conveyors at conveyor belt velocities v l > 5 m/s is inexpedient to carry out with the help of traditional feeding devices, as well as chutes-accelerators, as the final velocities v k of cargo flow when using these technical means will always be less v l than the belt velocity of the main conveyor. Provision of the condition v c = v l is practically impossible for two reasons: it is necessary to have a large length of the inclined chute; the speed of cargo movement at speeds, even significantly lower than v l stabilizes due to the sailing of the cargo.
For production of flammable (ignitable from a match) coal fuel briquettes a unit consisting of kinematically and functionally connected extruder, cutting machine and drying conveyor with automatic regulation of parameters depending on the speed of extrusion of raw fuel element from the extruder is developed.
The developed designs of intermediate drives with increased specific traction capacity (ratio of traction force developed by the drive to its length) are characterized by a curvilinear profile of the contact zone between the endless drive and conveyor belts. This allows the tractive force transmitted to the conveyor belt to be implemented not only due to the weight of the conveyor belt itself and the load on it (as in known designs of linear drives), but also due to the tension of the conveyor belt itself, enveloping the convex curvilinear profile of the working branch of the drive belt at the appropriate angle of girth. And the girth angle, and thus the value of the tractive force transmitted to the conveyor belt, can be automatically adjusted depending on the load on the conveyor belt from the weight of the cargo transported by it by changing the curvature of the profile of the working branch of the drive belt. The girth angle can be increased by combining convex and concave sections of the conveyor belt.
The need to solve such problems arises, in particular, in the design of reloading and loading chutes and funnels with a given final velocity of bulk cargo and the direction of the vector of this velocity, as well as in the design of unloading units of the transported cargo through the end (head) drums of belt conveyors.
The advantage of briquetting over such pelletizing and sintering processes is that briquetting allows to obtain a product of strictly regulated dimensions, and no chemical transformations take place in the initial mixture during the briquetting process. In addition, this process is the most favorable from the point of view of sanitary requirements.
Магистральные ленточные конвейеры, а также конвейеры главного подъема, установленные в наклонных стволах шахт, имеет, как правило, значительную длину ...
Снижение загрязнения лент и подконвейерного пространства транспортируемым грузом достигается применением профилактических средств, уменьшающих адгезию примазок транспортируемого груза к ленте; очистки конвейерных лент, позволявшей уменьшить количество примазок на рабочей поверхности ленты и, соответственно, объем просыпи под конвейером; двойного переворота ленты на холостой ветви, снижающего общий объем просыпи в подконвейерном пространстве и ограничивающего зону загрязнения последнего участками в головной и хвостовой частях конвейера; ручной или механизированной уборки просыпи из подконвейерного пространства, позволяющей полностью освободить его от просыпи транспортируемого груза ...
Процесс очистки конвейерных лент, т.е. удаление с поверхности ленты (подложки) примазок транспортируемого груза, сопровождается преодолением сил адгезионного взаимодействия между загрязняющим ленту слоем и поверхностью самой ленты ...
Просыпь в подконвейерном пространстве образуется в результате неполной очистки рабочей поверхности конвейерной ленты существующими конструкциями очистителей и последующей частичной или практически полной самочистки ленты при взаимодействии с роликоопорами холостой ветви конвейера ...
На ряде цементных карьеров страны для транспортирования как вскрышных пород, так и цементного сырья внедряются ленточные конвейеры типов КЛМ, КЛЗ, КЛО с длиной става до I км, позволяющие в принципе не только полностью механизировать, но и автоматизировать процесс перемещения горной массы ...