New designs of intermediate drives for belt conveyors
The developed designs of intermediate drives with increased specific traction capacity (ratio of traction force developed by the drive to its length) are characterized by a curvilinear profile of the contact zone between the endless drive and conveyor belts. This allows the tractive force transmitted to the conveyor belt to be implemented not only due to the weight of the conveyor belt itself and the load on it (as in known designs of linear drives), but also due to the tension of the conveyor belt itself, enveloping the convex curvilinear profile of the working branch of the drive belt at the appropriate angle of girth. And the girth angle, and thus the value of the tractive force transmitted to the conveyor belt, can be automatically adjusted depending on the load on the conveyor belt from the weight of the cargo transported by it by changing the curvature of the profile of the working branch of the drive belt. The girth angle can be increased by combining convex and concave sections of the conveyor belt.