Environmental restrictions maintaining «sustainable subsurface resources management» are discussed. Approach to solving the problem of groundwater resources optimal control is described. It consists in a search of behavior global optimum point for the system earth interior – engineering constructions affecting subterranean water resources.
Two limitations groups related to groundwater use and facilities construction and maintenance in complex geological and hydrogeological conditions are distinguished. The first one refers to the com- pliance with statutory requirements for sanitary protection zones of groundwater intakes. The second group deals with a consideration of buried valleys, lands of possible underflooding, evidences of aggressive groundwater subzones. Classification features and criteria are presented.
Some specific problems arising at creation of permanent mathematical models of large regions are considered. Limitations concerning hydrogeological models in the process of their development are given.
The structure of the 2000 curriculum, adopted in SPGGI(TU) and the 2000 GOS for the specialty "Search and Exploration of Groundwater and Engineering and Geological Survey" is presented. The main drawbacks of the new SES are marked: some disciplines important for training specialists are absent (for example, engineering permafrost science and technical means of sampling), the seasonality of the specialty is not taken into account in the organization of training and work practices. It was proposed to start developing a new and improved version of the curriculum.
The issues of artificial regulation of underground spring runoff are considered, the basic ecological and hydrogeological requirements to regulation systems based on resource-saving approach to groundwater use are formulated. It is shown that regulation of spring runoff should be carried out in the direction of redistribution of intra-annual underground runoff. Mathematical expressions for target functions of regulation are given. The proposed strategy is illustrated by the example of regulation of groundwater flow in the valley of the Strelka River at the Izhora groundwater deposit. By means of numerical modeling it is shown that in the conditions of this field the creation of hydraulic barrage and direct impact on the spring funnel is the most promising.
Под геологической средой будем понимать целостную природную систему, охватывающую земную кору и рассматриваемую с точки зрения практической инженерной деятельности ...
В процессе бурения и оборудования гидрогеологических скважин естественное состояние и свойства горных пород в прискважинной зоне в той или иной степени меняются ...
Достаточная ясность в понимании общей геолого-геохимической картины формирования латеритных кор выветривания в то же время настоятельно требует проведения дальнейших исследований с целью изучения возможного механизма накопления никеля в зонах гор выветривания и выяснения той роли, которую при этом играют подземные вода ...
В настоящее время математическое моделирование на ЭЦВМ неустановившейся фильтрации подземных вод осуществляется, в основном, с использованием двухслойных конечно-разностных схем ...