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D. A. Potemkin
D. A. Potemkin
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University


Mining geomechanics
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Influence of changes in constructive elements of protective constructions on behavior of the soil massif near deep ditches

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Complex settlement justification of construction projects, operation, reconstruction of constructions in difficult engineering-geological conditions, including in the constrained city building, became impossible without use of modern computer programs. In work the general approaches and results of modeling stressedly-deformed condition of the soil massif are considered at a postadiyny construction of a ditch for construction of one of hydraulic engineering constructions of St.-Petersburg under protection of a design «wall in soil».

How to cite: Potemkin D.A. Influence of changes in constructive elements of protective constructions on behavior of the soil massif near deep ditches // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 204. p. 240.
Mining geomechanics
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Modeling of work of elements of the combined box-shaped and pile base in weak soil

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In work results of modeling of work of two options of the multipurpose underground complex being the base of the multystoried high-rise building are considered. The complex plays a  role of the combined foundation. Modeling is executed taking into account stage-by-stage construction of underground and land part of the  building.

How to cite: Potemkin D.A., Demenkov P.A. Modeling of work of elements of the combined box-shaped and pile base in weak soil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 204. p. 255.
Mining geomechanics
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Theoretical basis of geomaterial accounted for induced and inherent anisotropy

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The main reasons of soil deformation during deep excavation construction are presented. Numerical modeling of deep excavation construction with an account of support system is conducted. Conclusions on the application area of typical soils models is made.

How to cite: Karasev M.A., Potemkin D.A. Theoretical basis of geomaterial accounted for induced and inherent anisotropy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 204. p. 263.
Mining geomechanics
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Modelling stressedly-deformed condition of the soil massif including elements of the multipurpose facility with multystoried underground part

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In work the option of the multipurpose underground complex being part of the multystoried high-rise building is considered. The complex settles down in underground part of  the building and carries out a base role, replacing with itself the usual plates-but-pile base. Predesigns by a method of final elements taking into account staging of construction of an underground complex and the land high-rise building are executed. Sizes and a picture of distribution   of vertical displacements are received as a result of calculations.

How to cite: Demenkov P.A., Potemkin D.A. Modelling stressedly-deformed condition of the soil massif including elements of the multipurpose facility with multystoried underground part // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 204. p. 223.
Geotechnology for development of solid mining fields
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Stress and strain state of «soil – pile foundations» for varios stages of high-rise building construction

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Finite element analysis of soil – pile interaction for two different design schemes is done. 3d analysis and stage construction is considered. As the results of FEA modeling vertical displacement of soil and subsidence trough for different stage of construction are drawn and  analyzed.

How to cite: Potemkin D.A., Demenkov P.A., Ochnev V.N., Kuranov A.D. Stress and strain state of «soil – pile foundations» for varios stages of high-rise building construction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 123.
Geotechnology for development of solid mining fields
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Numerical modeling of deep excavation structures behavior during construction

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Numerical modeling of deep excavation construction is done in plane strain condition. The influence of boundary condition, contact condition between soil and structures, constrain of cantilever wall, thickness of the wall and anchors on the strain condition of the soil is found.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Potemkin D.A., Stepanenko S.V. Numerical modeling of deep excavation structures behavior during construction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 180.
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Geomechanical analysis of underground pillar station with step by step excavation

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Numerical modeling of cast iron lining stress and strain state of pylon deep underground station is done. Due to complex geometry of underground station, step by step excavation and lining installation numerical modeling was done in three dimensional space.

How to cite: Demenkov P.A., Karasev M.A., Potemkin D.A. Geomechanical analysis of underground pillar station with step by step excavation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 220.
Mine survey
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Mathematical modelling of geomechanical processes at the estimation of influence of building underground constructions in cities on the undermined rock mass

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In work the basic features geomechanical processes of rocks occurring in a file are stated at tunneling and developments of underground constructions. Principles of the organisation mathematical modelling of processes displacement and deformations of rocks for an estimation of harmful influence of underground building on buildings and constructions are resulted. The basic lacks of known approaches to modelling of geomechanical processes are stated, recommendations about the decision of key problems of calculation displacement in a pedigree file are made. The basic results of application of the complex approach to a look-ahead estimation displacement and deformations at maintenance of building of city underground constructions in St.-Petersburg are presented.

How to cite: Volokhov E.M., Potemkin D.A. Mathematical modelling of geomechanical processes at the estimation of influence of building underground constructions in cities on the undermined rock mass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 284.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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Numerical modelling of the lining stress stateof column stations without lateral platforms

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Geomechanical forecast of stress-strain state of deep underground subway station is considered. Static work of structures of subway station based on complex approach is shown, including in situ testing and numerical modelling (finite elements method) during different stages of construction.

How to cite: Petrov D.N., Demenkov P.A., Potemkin D.A. Numerical modelling of the lining stress stateof column stations without lateral platforms // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 166-170.
Problems in conservation of resources? mine surveying and wise erth's interior utilization
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The intense-deformed condition of construction of underground station complex under influence of piles foundation

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The intense-deformed condition of one of station complexes of the Saint Petersburg underground testing mutual influence from a trading-entertaining complex located over it is considered.

How to cite: Potemkin D.A., Demenkov P.A., Ochnev V.N. The intense-deformed condition of construction of underground station complex under influence of piles foundation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 235-239.
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Regularities of stress distribution in the protective cover during mining of the massif of rich iron ores of KMA with laying of the excavated space

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By result of numerical modeling it is intense-deformed conditions of a crystal file quality standard of law of distribution of pressure in artificial protective overlapping at the initial stage of improvement of a file of rich iron ores is given.

How to cite: Potemkin D.A. Regularities of stress distribution in the protective cover during mining of the massif of rich iron ores of KMA with laying of the excavated space // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 82-85.
Problems of developing the Yakovlevskoye field
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Параметры поля напряжений в рудно-кристаллическом массиве до начала ведения горных работ

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Выполнено численное моделирование напряженно-деформированного состояния рудно-кристаллического массива до начала ведения горных работ. Приведены результаты анализа закономерностей формирования поля напряжений нетронутого массива. Установлено, что распределение напряжений в рудно-кристаллическом массиве, включающем руды и породы с различными физико-механическими свойствами (разница до двух порядков), существенно отличается от распределения по Диннику.

How to cite: Potemkin D.A., Plashchinskii V.F. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 123-126.
Problems of developing the Yakovlevskoye field
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Геомеханическое обоснование параметров водозащитной потолочины и защитного перекрытия при освоении Яковлевского месторождения

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Выполнено геомеханическое обоснование высоты водозащитной потолочины между верхним горизонтом отработки рудной залежи и карбоновой толщей водонасыщенных пород и оценка толщины и прочности искусственного защитного перекрытия при их совместном взаимодействии с учетом порядка отработки очистных камер.  

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Potemkin D.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 127-136.
Problems of developing the Yakovlevskoye field
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Моделирование процессов сдвижения массива горных пород при нисходящем порядке отработки рудного тела Яковлевского месторождения

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Методом конечных элементов исследована динамика смещений рудного массива на различных этапах строительства защитного перекрытия и отработки панели. Выполнено моделирование варианта отработки нижней части панели камеры второй очереди с увеличенной высотой и шириной камер. Порядок отработки рассмотрен поэтапно, получены параметры напряженно-деформированного состояния для каждого этапа отдельно и для варианта отработки в целом. Даны качественная и количественная оценка результатов моделирования.

How to cite: Potemkin D.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 137-141.
Modern problems of geomechanics and geotechnology
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Regularities of the formation of the vault displacement during layered mining of ore deposits

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The results of numerical modeling of the stress-strain state (STS) of the rock mass during mining in complex mining and geological conditions are considered. The revealed regularities of influence of presence and thickness of artificial protective overlap on the mode of deformation of the enclosing massif allow to specify ideas about the role of protective overlap during development of rich ores.

How to cite: Potemkin D.A. Regularities of the formation of the vault displacement during layered mining of ore deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 156. p. 47-50.
Modern problems of geomechanics and geotechnology
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Influence of the construction protective coating on the stress and strain state of the ore rock massif

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The regularities of the formation of the vault displacement during the construction of mine workings of the protective slab.

How to cite: Potemkin D.A. Influence of the construction protective coating on the stress and strain state of the ore rock massif // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 156. p. 84-85.
Without section
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Surface subsidence of the contact of Proterozoic clays with detritus in construction of subway in Saint Petersburg

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In the article the outcomes of researches of the plane (two-dimensional) strains and deformations of an array of breeds around mentro tunnel of the St.-Petersburg underground are indicated: the settlement scheme, outcomes of accounts. The reasons and mechanism of settlings of a surface and contact proterozoic clays with soils are revealed.

How to cite: Potemkin D.A., Martirosyants E.E. Surface subsidence of the contact of Proterozoic clays with detritus in construction of subway in Saint Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 146. p. 36-38.